Benevento Weather, forecast for tomorrow Thursday 4 July

The Weather forecast for Thursday 4th July in Benevento show an alternation of atmospheric conditions during the day. In the morning, scattered clouds with cloud cover varying between 45% and the 60%Temperatures will remain around 26-28°Cwith a slightly lower perception due to a breeze coming from the North – North East with speeds up to 15km/hHumidity will be around 45-53% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1009hPa.

In the afternoon, the sky will present itself covered with cloud cover that will also reach the87%Maximum temperatures will be around 27-28°Cwith a slightly lower perception due to a breeze always coming from the Northeast with speeds up to 13km/hHumidity will increase until 43% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable on 1009hPa.

During the evening, the sky will clear up and become sereno with cloud cover that will reduce to 2-6%. Temperatures will drop slightly, settling around 19-22°Cwith a similar thermal perception. The wind will blow from Nord Ovest with a speed of 2-4km/hHumidity will increase until 69% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable on 1014hPa.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Benevento for Thursday, July 4th indicate a day with a slightly cloudy start, followed by a more overcast afternoon and a clear evening. Temperatures will remain fairly stable, with a slight decrease during the evening. Humidity will increase during the day, while atmospheric pressure will remain constant. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the sky and to dress appropriately based on the expected temperatures.

All the weather data for Thursday 4th July in Benevento

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