Campania, municipal elections: Laura Nargi wins in Avellino, first female mayor. Victory of the Democratic Party in the major centres

Campania, municipal elections: Laura Nargi wins in Avellino, first female mayor. Victory of the Democratic Party in the major centres
Campania, municipal elections: Laura Nargi wins in Avellino, first female mayor. Victory of the Democratic Party in the major centres

For the rest, the center-left candidates achieved a landslide in the municipalities of the province of Naples: in addition to Torre Annunziata, there were also victories in San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Sant’Antimo and Grumo Nevano.

Administrative elections in Campania. Difficult competition in the run-off for the Municipality of Avellino which saw the election as mayor of Laura Nargioutgoing vice mayor supported by three civic lists, who he defeated with this gap Antonio Gengarocandidate of the broad camp, with the leaders of the Democratic Party and the M5s, Schlein and Conte, who personally arrived in Irpinia to support him. A complicated competition, also due to the prosecutor’s investigation which last April 18th led to the resigning and outgoing mayor being placed under house arrest, Gianluca Festa, and which sees Nargi herself investigated for criminal association. The turnout in the ballot was 53.7 percent: in the first round 69.3 of Avellino’s citizens had voted. Nargi won 51.8 percent, equal to 12,501 votes, 2,526 more than in the first round; Gengaro stopped at 48.1, equal to 11,612, 259 more than in the first round. Favoring the victory of Nargi, the first female mayor in the history of Avellino, was the agreement on the program, without any resemblance, with Rino Genovesethe journalist who came third in the first round with 23 percent out of a total of seven mayoral candidates.

As the result in Nargi’s favor was consolidated, many dozens of people went near the house where the former mayor Festa is under house arrest to celebrate. Party. He thanked her, making the heart sign from behind the window glass.

Among the few other large centers of Campania on the ballot, Torre Annunziata, the municipality placed under commissionership and hit the headlines for the story of the sexist and homophobic phrases of the centre-right mayoral candidate, the head doctor and university professor Carmine Alfano, who after being suspended from the university also withdrew from the electoral campaign: he was beaten by the centre-left candidate Corrado Cuccurullo, who collected 69.65% of the valid votes, while Alfano stopped at 30.35%. Few went to vote: just 29.86%.

For the rest, the center-left candidates achieved a landslide in the municipalities of the province of Naples: in addition to Torre Annunziata, there were also victories in San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Sant’Antimo and Grumo Nevano.

In the province of Caserta the centre-right wins. In Aversa he was elected mayor Francesco Matacenasupported by Forza Italia and various lists, which it passed Antonio Farinaro, candidate supported by Fratelli d’Italia. Forza Italia also victorious in Castel Volturno: it is the new mayor Pasquale Marrandinowhich took 51.58% of the votes against 48.42%. Anastasia Petrella, candidate supported by the Democratic Party, the Five Star Movement and the Socialist Party. In Casal di Principe, a municipality currently grappling with a new and worrying fibrillation among what remains of the Casalesi clan, the new mayor is Ottavio Corvinowho surpassed the candidate of the same name Elisabetta Corvino by just nine votes. Both were supported by centre-right inspired civic lists.

In the Salerno area, in Nocera Superiore, the new mayor is the neurosurgeon Gennaro D’Acunzi which obtained 60.76% of preferences supported by a territorial civic coalition.

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