Livorno Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Livorno Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July
Livorno Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Wednesday, July 3, in Livorno, is expected to be a day characterized by changeable weather conditions. The weather forecast indicates a start of the day with overcast skies and the possibility of light rain during the night and early morning hours. Cloud cover will be high, with humidity that will settle around 80%. Temperatures will remain around +20-22°C, with a slightly higher perception.

During the morning, scattered clouds will tend to thin out, leaving room for clearings and an increase in temperature up to +25°C towards the central hours of the day. The probability of precipitation will decrease, but humidity will still be around 60-70%.

In the afternoon, the sky will be cloudy again, with a chance of light rain and a temperature that will remain around +24-25°C. The wind will blow with moderate intensity, coming mainly from the West – North West.

In the evening, weather conditions will continue to be unstable, with overcast skies and the possibility of light to moderate rain. Temperatures will remain around +20-23°C, with humidity that could increase up to 80%.

Considering the weather forecast for the next few days in Livorno, we expect an alternation of days with cloudy skies and scattered rain, alternating with moments of clearings and pleasant temperatures. It is advisable to pay attention to the updated weather forecast to better plan outdoor activities.

All weather data for Wednesday 3 July in Livorno

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