Drama on Canturina, motorcycle against a van: one dead

A man died in a road accident that occurred in the early afternoon today on Canturina. The accident at the Bersagliere roundabout. Contrary to what was reported in an initial reconstruction, the motorcyclist, a 58-year-old man, did not do everything alone. A van which hit the motorcyclist was also involved in the accident. The man was thrown.

The victim, in all likelihood, died instantly. Obviously, rescue operations began as soon as the first reports arrived from passing motorists who witnessed the terrible accident. The 118 medical helicopter also landed next to the Canturina. But the medical team could not help but confirm the motorcyclist’s death.

The road was closed to traffic both to allow rescue operations, which were unfortunately in vain, and to allow the local police to reconstruct the dynamics of what happened. As mentioned, it was not so easy to understand the dynamics of the accident. Only after hearing the witnesses were the local police officers able to make a reconstruction, obviously unofficial at the time. It appears that the motorcyclist was overtaking a slow-moving van. In front of the van, in fact, there was a car engaged in a driving school. The van then decided to overtake the driving school, without noticing the arrival of the motorbike.

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