XNL Piacenza, performance by Miranda Secondari

Double date with extended opening until 11pm in the name of contemporary art Friday 28 June, between exhibitions and performances focused on the symbol/voice/body relationship. At XNL Piacenzathe center dedicated to contemporary arts of the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation, let’s go at 18 with a guided tour, curated by the director of XNL Arte Paola Nicolinof the exhibitions On Looking Act 2 and Act 3, respectively dedicated to female artists Carol Rama And Berlinde De Bruyckere in dialogue with Giovanni Angelo del Mainoand to the artist-designer Andrea Sala. The visit is free of charge upon reservation by writing to [email protected].

XNL Piacenza, Miranda Secondari

At 6.30pm continue with The absent one by Miranda Secondari a dance solo that investigates absence as a moment of suspension, through precise movements dilated over time: unexpected images, subtle ambiguities between movement and sculpture, silence and sound events are thus brought to light. Miranda Secondari, choreographer and performer, creates work on the body between immobility and mobility in search of the dichotomy between subject and object, highlighting the body/space relationship. The objects, costumes and sounds used on stage are things that are given an attribution of meaning, a symbolic value; during the performances things and their value are highlighted or removed from the spectator’s eye.

“The figure of The absent one standing, looking but not seeing, blinking; on the ground it suspends portions of the body; moves in space, moments of latency, then: echoes, whistles, whispers, voiceless words, movements, gestures, fragments of gestures that break the state of suspension and still stay, stay in the “silence” listening to the sound or noise which resonates in the gallery, as a phenomenal element, sudden or continuous, the coughing, the heel on the floor, the whispering of the spectator, the air conditioning… The absent one she appears absorbed but in reality, as in a hypnagogic state, all the space around enters her optical field and under the skin. Perhaps The absent one she’s just tired.”

The performative intervention dialogues and relates to the given space or within the exhibition by Andrea Sala offering itself to the visitor/spectator as an integral experience of place and content.

The Absent it is the last of a sequence of three interventions, curated by the musician and sound designer Nicola Rattidesigned to mark the time of Sala’s exhibition, which began with the performance

Caveja by Enrico Malatesta which was staged last March 8th and continued on April 21st with Plane/Cutting by Alessandro Bosetti. All performances are presented by LL cultural production and planning platform whose curation and publishing is entrusted to Nicola Ratti, Roberta Pagani and Marco Paltrinieri.


The guided tour starts at 6pm with the exploration of the second act of the cycle On Lookingwhich is developed around the theme of beauty and resilience to pain and connects the monumental sculptures and refined engravings of two sophisticated and incisive artists of the 20th century, Berlinde de Bruyckere and Carol Ramawith an important work from the Piacenza church of Sant’Eufemia entitled Sorerecently attributed to the Renaissance sculptor Giovanni Angelo Del Maino, and makes use of the collaboration of the Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio and the La Venaria Reale Conservation and Restoration Centre. We continue with the exhibition set up on the first floor of the building,On Watching Act 3, which offers a selection of works by Andrea Sala (Como, 1976), artist who grew up professionally between Italy and Canada and author of a series of sculptures that arise from a fascination for fragile materials such as terracotta, glass and ceramic and from one peculiar reinterpretation of some liturgical objects and furnishings coming from the deposits and collections of the bishop’s palace of Piacenza. Free participation upon reservation by writing to [email protected].

The XNL Art program is promoted by Rete Cultura Piacenzawhich includes the Piacenza and Vigevano Foundation, the Municipality of Piacenza, the Province of Piacenza, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Emilia Chamber of Commerce and the Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio.


Friday 28 June 2024

XNL Piacenza – via Santa Franca, 36

6pm – Guided tour with the Art director Paola Nicolin

Participation free upon reservation by writing to [email protected]

6.30 pm – The Absent of and with Miranda Secondary. Production: Gallery T293, Rome

Free admission while places last.

From 7.30pm to 10.30pm

extraordinary opening for visits to the exhibitions on Piacenza Fridays

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