Bari embraces the new mayor Vito Leccese: «I thank you all»

Bari embraces the new mayor Vito Leccese: «I thank you all»
Bari embraces the new mayor Vito Leccese: «I thank you all»

BARI – Vito Leccese is the new mayor of Bari: the center-left candidate with 70% of the preferences was elected first citizen of the Apulian capital.

Here are his words live from the electoral committee where a crowd of supporters and journalists, as well as staff members, are waiting crowded in front of the electoral committee, embracing Vito Leccese. With few sections still to be scrutinized, the center-left candidate is steadily around 70% of the preferences, so much so that his opponent, Fabio Romitohas already wished him well.


«I thank you all from the bottom of my heart – declared the new mayor – especially Michele Laforgia». Even the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein,
according to what we learn, he spoke to Vito Leccese by phone to congratulate him.

«Thanks to Bari for the great electoral result, we are only at the beginning because the hard work will only begin with the proclamation. It is an extraordinary result that goes beyond expectations. I appreciated the phone call from Romito who acknowledged the defeat and wished me good work.” He said it Vito Leccese center-left candidate who won the ballot in Bari, just
arrived at the electoral committee for the celebrations.

«Those who argue about the low turnout don’t remember that turnout is always lower in the run-off elections, in 2014 with Decaro the participation was 36%, today we have 40%, we have gone beyond the physiological figure of abstentionism in the first round. I really appreciated the phone call from Fabio Romito an hour ago who acknowledged the defeat and wished me well in my work. I appreciated this gesture also because in the 15 days of campaigning for the run-off the tone had become very high, with some positions aimed at demolishing the coalition of lists and parties that I represent. And he pinpoints me as an exponent of the ‘Leccese system’. Obviously with this result I can say that the Leccese system has won, which is a solar system of fresh and clean energies and forces.” The new mayor of Bari, Vito Leccese, said this when he arrived at his electoral committee where he was celebrated by his supporters with chants and applause.

«The term I used last February 25th, temperance, will be the guiding principle of my political action and relationship with the opposition. I thank the volunteers – he concluded – who supported me, all those who put themselves at the service of a political project for free.”

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