Miracle in Turin: man moves his arm thanks to a 3D printed collarbone!

Miracle in Turin: man moves his arm thanks to a 3D printed collarbone!
Miracle in Turin: man moves his arm thanks to a 3D printed collarbone!

For the first time in Italy and the second in the world a man started moving again arm thanks to one 3D personalized collarbone and to a tendon transplantat theMolinette hospital of the City of Health of Turin. A 52 year old man, an ex amateur boxersuffered for years from a chronic dislocation from the right claviclecaused by a sports injury during training.

A man used to going to gyms, living with energy and vitality, suddenly found himself forced to give up his passion and his daily routine. Despite the many physiotherapy sessions and numerous diagnostic tests, his condition seemed to have no way out, stuck in a grip of pain and immobility and which also compromised normal respiratory function.

Then at theMolinette hospital in Turin the turning point has arrived. Thanks to an innovative and revolutionary technique used for the first time in Italy and the second in the world, the team of Thoracic surgery (directed by Professor Enrico Ruffini) carried out an extraordinary intervention.

Using the 3D printing in titaniumdoctors created a template identical to the joint, which they used as a guide to precisely drill both the clavicle that it sternum of the patient, managing to guarantee the perfect realignment of all the bones. This titanium device, developed by the company Osteobionixallowed the operation to be carried out with safety, precision and accuracy.

The operation, which lasted approximately 5 hours, also included the use of a tendondonated and provided by Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank of theCTO hospital, to guarantee the stability of the joint and support the realignment of the joint structures. THE thoracic surgeons they were fundamental because the affected joint portion was the one that connects with the sternumand therefore required specific expertise to intervene on chest wall.

The success of this operation is the result of the work of a team of highly qualified professionals: thoracopulmonary surgeons Francesco Guerrera, Paolo Lausi, Stefano Ganio And Paraskevas Lyberis from the University Thoracic Surgery (directed by Professor Enrico Ruffini), together with the anesthetist Giulio Luca Rosboch (of theUniversity Anesthesia and Resuscitation directed by the professor Luca Brazzi) and dedicated nursing staff. The period postoperative highlighted exceptional results: the arm mobility of the patient was completely restored, allowing him to return to normal daily activities without the pain and limitations of before.

The surgery performed at Molinette it changed a man’s life, opening new perspectives for the treatment of similar pathologies.

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