The Alpine troops of Asti remember, with various events, the recently deceased General Graziano –

There are several events which have seen the Alpine troops of Asti remember General Claudio Graziano who tragically passed away on 17 June.

Last Saturday 22 June, the thirty years of the construction of the Alpine house were jointly celebrated in Monastero Bormida and four Alpine soldiers who blew out 90 candles: Angelo Carlo “Alcide” Poggio, Aldo Ghidone, Aldo Cagno and Francesco Gerolamo Merlo. The community of Monastero rallied around them with the mayor Gigi Gallareto who, with president Pighin, the group leader Giacomo Dotta the past president of the Asti Section of the ANA Adriano Blengio, they handed out plaques and pennants wishing well to those celebrating. The Alpine Group of Monastero with numerous guests celebrated the fresh ninety-year-olds with a rich “snack” in the hall of the Alpine house on the thirtieth anniversary of the installation of the structure dedicated to the Alpine Sergeant Luigi Lazzarino, Silver Medal for Military Valour.

On Sunday morning 23 June in Cunico with the laying of flowers at the Cemetery, the raising of the flag and the honoring of the fallen, the celebrations of the “Remembrance of the Alpini Who Went Forward” began, an event organized by the Alpine Groups of the 1st Zone of the Ana Section of Auctions coordinated by delegate Luigi Penna. Aramengo, Cocconato, Colcavagno, Cortanze, Cunico, Montechiaro, Montiglio, Pieia, Piovà and Soglio with their respective group leaders and their godmothers then participated in the Mass officiated by Don Emanuele Baviera. In his speech, the president of the ANA Section of Asti Fabrizio Pighin remembered the recently deceased General Claudio Graziano. The day ended with the Alpine lunch prepared by the Pro Loco of Cunico.

In 2018 in Fontanile, at the General Claudio Graziano was awarded honorary citizenship. Last Sunday 23 June, six days after his tragic death, the illustrious citizen was remembered with a Mass in the parish church of San Giovanni Battista. The funeral ceremony was organized by Sandra Balbo, mayor of the town. With the Banner of Fontanile, the multi-medal banner of the ANA Section of Asti stood out, the banner of the dismissed Alpini of the Anti-tank Company of the Monte Grappa Barracks of Turin which was commanded at the beginning of his military career by the young lieutenant and the Banner of the Alpine Rotarians Fellowship of of which Graziano was an honorary member. Also present were the black feathers of the Alpine groups of Fontanile, Bruno (the new mayor Lucas Bonzo was also present) and Incisa with their respective group leaders.

Also on Sunday 23 June, the Banner of the ANA Section of Asti and some Alpine soldiers from Asti were present in the province of Novara and Vercelli at two important events of the ANA Sections of the 1st Grouping. In Cameri, in the province of Novara, the party of the ANA Section of Novara and the 45th anniversary of the Cameri Group was scheduled, while in Ghislarengo in the province of Vercelli the 11th Party of the ANA Section of Vercelli and the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the Ghislarengo Group.

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