Pescara, 15 year old found dead in a park: two minors arrested for murder

Pescara, 15 year old found dead in a park: two minors arrested for murder
Pescara, 15 year old found dead in a park: two minors arrested for murder

Late yesterday evening, a 15-year-old foreign boy was found dead in the brush, inside the Baden Powell park, in the center of Pescara. The young man, who did not have identification documents with him, was stabbed and died before help arrived. Having been alerted by a phone call from some passers-by, police officers arrived on site and immediately started investigations, coordinated by the chief prosecutor Giuseppe Bellelli, to find the culprits. The medical examiner Christian D’Ovidio carried out an initial reconnaissance of the body, but the autopsy will be carried out today.

The alleged culprits

It didn’t take the police long to locate the alleged culprits. There are already two arrests for the murder of the 15-year-old. These are two Italian boys, also minors. The stabbing in the park apparently arose from an argument, linked to the drug dealing which rages in that part of Pescara. The events reportedly occurred yesterday afternoon and the body was found late in the evening. The boy’s body had stab wounds. Bellelli immediately went to the scene together with the deputy Gennaro Varone and the juvenile prosecutor David Mancini. The murder weapon, presumably a diving knifehas not yet been found.

Drug dealing in Pescara

Based on the national study drawn up a year ago by the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research and published by the agency To sayPescara is among the cities in Italy where it is consumed the most cocaine. The data are impressive: twenty doses per day for every thousand inhabitants registered in the Abruzzo city.

The research revealed that, after cocaine, the most used narcotic substances in Pescara are: heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy and amphetamine. A social plague difficult to resolve for local institutions who have been fighting for years to try to stem the illegal phenomenon.

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