The Democratic Party fails to make a push, Acquaroli ‘forgets’ the Atim case and keeps the largest municipalities in the Marche

STOP – The week ended bitterly for the governor Francesco Acquaroli. The Atim affair was shaping its future. A high-level political controversy that only the vote in the three Marche municipalities in the run-off could extinguish.

The general director Marco Bruschini will leave the Marche region in two weeks, interrupting his role at the helm of the company that must promote the image of the Marche region in the world, to join the Ministry of Food Sovereignty.

An interrupted work, marked by missteps, such as the commercial agreement with Aeroitalia, but also by a resumption of relations with realities such as France and England which were bearing fruit, at least when speaking with entrepreneurs from the Marche region in London and Paris. We will now see what the governor decides to do, pressured by the minority for the elimination of Atim, led by Dem councilor Cesetti, but unable to do so so as not to say ‘I was wrong’. It won’t be easy to replace a figure with a high level CV, the judgment on the results is more political than anything else, like Bruschini.

Ricci and the mayor of Pesaro Biancani, the only centre-left capital

Returning to the vote, the center-left dreamed of the shoulder and instead returns home with a 0 in the box. Even for a few votes. It is no coincidence that Matteo Ricci takes it far and starts by commenting on the national results before expressing his disappointment: “There is still a long way to go, this result must not stop us: it is increasingly urgent to work on building an alternative to this failed regional council. At a national level, Bari, Florence and Perugia witnessed clear victories for the centre-left. These are clear indications: citizens have given a blunt response to the ineffective policies of the right in government and to the crazy project of differentiated autonomy”.

So, no push back against Acquaroli. And the president himself reminds everyone: “I want to congratulate the new mayors of Recanati, Osimo and Urbino (which has become the co-capital), Emanuele Pepa, Francesco Pirani and Maurizio Gambini, who join those of Ascoli Piceno, Fano, Potenza Picena, Cingoli, Pergola, Monte Urano and all the other municipalities where an important and significant result was voted on two weeks ago which gives us even more strength to continue to change our region”.

Same line of thought for the Fratelli d’Italia deputy Francesco Baldelli: “Ricci’s recovery has already collapsed in the face of the results of the ballots, which mark a clear three to zero for the centre-right”.

Dem secretary Chantal Bomprezzi tries to soften the defeat: “The total alliance of the right, leaning on the Region, allowed them to overtake us at the photo finish. They were three difficult challenges and for this I thank our candidates Glorio, Bravi and Scaramucci and their teams for the great work done. These elections – he continues – show us that we win where we go together. We win where good governance and unity allow us to be competitive. This is why we must insist on broad alliances, building a great center-left that reaches up to the more moderate forces.”


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