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Endless party for Sir Volley Perugia, an evening to remember

We needed a perfect event to celebrate a perfect season. Doing better than coach Lorenzetti’s Block Devils capable of achieving the historic poker of trophies was a difficult task but the “Sir Susa Vim Poker Fest” organized by president Sirci’s company last night in Piazzale Umbria Jazz succeeded, giving Perugia and the people black and white an evening and an event that will be impossible to forget and which closes, this time for real, an incredible year.
A sea of ​​people, enthusiasts, fans, families with children and many young people, crowded the square in front of the PalaBarton, theater of the Bianconeri’s exploits, from the very beginning of the evening with one goal: to be together, have fun and party. And it was a celebration with an event perfectly organized in every little detail. From the delicious food & beverage to the merchandising area literally stormed for the purchase of the celebratory t-shirt up to the stand where the four cups shone, also stormed for a souvenir photo to frame.
But the actual show, presented by journalists Elena Ballarani and Nicola Agostini, took place on the large stage set up for the occasion which dominated the square. Lots of beautiful music with engaging performances by the “Princes of Wales” and then followed by the “Diana Cover Band” with all the people dancing wildly. The public presentation of “ALL IN SIR. A legendary poker”, the book published by Calzetti & Mariucci Editori and written by journalists Carlo Forciniti and Alberto Aglietti with photographic material by Oreste Testa on the memorable Juventus season which also sold like hotcakes in the merchandising area. Thunderous applause for some of the architects of the season, from president Sirci to coach Lorenzetti, accompanied by his technical staff with Massimiliano Giaccardi, Andrea Piacentini and Sabastian Carotti. High decibel ovation for Jesus Herrera and the crowd idol Oleh Plontytskyi both in perfect “party style”.
And then the arrival of the super guest Fabio Rovazzi, a histrionic artist who also took to the stage wearing the celebratory shirt of the season, who “duetted” with president Sirci and who exalted the crowd with his cult pieces and his contagious enthusiasm. Followed by DJ Set with Rovazzi himself as the protagonist because everyone, absolutely everyone, still wanted to dance and no one, but absolutely no one, wanted to go home. To enjoy a few more minutes of a season that is definitively archived, but which will remain in the hearts and minds of the Juventus people forever.

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