Casoria weather, the forecast for tomorrow Tuesday 25 June

Tuesday 25 June in Casoria promises to be a day characterized by significant weather variations. The first hours of the day will be characterized by clear skies with light cloud cover, temperatures between +20°C hey +22°C, and winds of variable intensity that will move mainly from north to east. Humidity will settle around the 70% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1012-1013hPa.

During the morning, the sky will remain clear with an increase in temperatures reaching +26°C. The winds coming from the south will increase in intensity, bringing a breeze that can reach 18km/h. Humidity will decrease at 49% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable.

In the afternoon, the sky will begin to overcast with the appearance of scattered clouds which will bring an increase in cloud cover until 62%. Temperatures will remain around +25°Cwhile the winds will continue to blow from the south with a speed of 15km/h. Humidity will increase slightly at 54% and the atmospheric pressure will remain constant.

In the evening, the weather situation will worsen with the arrival of light rains. Cloud cover will reach80%temperatures will drop until +23°Cand winds coming from the west will bring precipitation that could reach 0.25mm. Humidity will increase at 74% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Tuesday 25 June in Casoria indicates a day with alternating weather conditions, which will go from a sunny start to a cloudy afternoon with light rain in the evening. It is advisable to pay attention to the evolution of the weather and bring an umbrella in case precipitation is expected.

All the weather data for Tuesday 25 June in Casoria

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