“There are those in his party who are opposed”

«To the alleged manipulations of which Senator Dario Damiani accuses us, we would first of all like to remind him that unlike him, his southern party colleagues Francesco Cannizzaro, Giuseppe Mangialavori and Giovanni Arruzzolo, have chosen, in dissent, not to participate in the final vote of this Law. We also advise him to go and read the statements of the Governor (also from Forza Italia) Roberto Occhiuto, President of the Calabria Region and those of the Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies, also from Forza Italia, Giorgio Mulè”. Thus the territorial representative of the 5 Star Movement, Luca Savella.

«Both Occhiuto and Mulè in fact clearly speak of a wrong law approved overnight and hastily, only to give a sop to a majority political force, the Northern League, specifying that the Lep (essential performance levels) are neither financed nor nor even estimated, with nine subjects, such as trade and exports, on which the Regions will immediately be able to request autonomy, as they will not have to deal with the setting of the Lep. To these declarations must be added the doubts, for example, of the CEI which with its President Card. Matteo Zuppi speaks of a mechanism of further impoverishment, of the unions and healthcare personnel who speak of the death of the National Health System and even of the EU Commission, which underlines the risk of widening the gap between North and South. Senator Damiani, who speaks of clarity, You should read these statements and above all those of those who, in your party, taken by a leap of pride, speak of a dangerous, poorly written law that does not guarantee fairness. These doubts are also our doubts and those of many citizens ready to mobilize against this reform which will split our country in two, an evidently never passed will of the League. In conclusion we want to advise Senator Damiani who talks about psychiatric analysis, that perhaps, given the different declarations between exponents of Forza Italia, between those who honestly distance themselves, aware of the serious damage being caused to the country and those who defend this reform, it would be the case for taking us to the doctor for a careful analysis, precisely his party.”

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