Benevento, former Malies contract, the Municipality is now studying the next moves

Benevento, former Malies contract, the Municipality is now studying the next moves
Benevento, former Malies contract, the Municipality is now studying the next moves

Contract Maliesthere is anticipation for the next moves of Common and of Power of attorney. The day after the report on the legitimacy of the acts provided by the secretary was delivered to the top management of the municipal administration Riccardo Feola continues to remain highly armored. The reporters’ attempts to extract even a small fragment of content were in vain. But the absence of denials seems to confirm the advances made yesterday: the matter has come under the magnifying glass of the investigating judiciary which has opened an investigation into the case of the re-evaluation of the scores by the competition commission. The other indiscretion that seems to have survived the publication is that relating to the trajectory of the procedure designed by Feola. The anti-corruption manager would have put down in black and white the legitimacy of the acts approved so far. The number one of the municipal technostructure would have substantially found and endorsed the reconstruction carried out since last May 2nd by the president of the tender commission Antonio Iadicicco, who entrusted his version of events to a press note, which was also given to the council commission in the same hours. Iadicicco stated at the time how «in the work sessions, the tender commission proceeded with the preparation of various temporary evaluations and, as clearly specified in minutes no. 7 of 29 March 2024, the one and only official evaluation table of the technical offers of the economic operators was ratified, due to the dictates of the tender specifications and the correction which made explicit one of the evaluation criteria, published by the sole manager of the procedure on 19 December 2023″. The correction referred to by Iadicicco is the one published by the rup Lorenzo Nave when the terms for the offers had not yet expired, concerning the correct interpretation to be given to point 1.1 of the table attached to the tender notice concerning the «improvement of functional connections within of structures”. But the tender commission had been informed of this clarification after the voting had well begun. Hence, Iadicicco assured, the modification of the evaluations carried out by the three commissioners during the works. A version that Feola, according to rumors reported yesterday, would have embraced, giving the green light for the continuation of the race. But the decision not to make the report visible forces us to decline the matter in the conditional, postponing the full knowledge of the facts to any new acts of the Municipality. If the anticipations relating to the legitimacy clearance for the continuation of the tender were to be confirmed, the next step should be the publication of the definitive awarding decision of the tender to Conpat of Rome for 11.6 million, which has currently been stopped for over two months in the limbo of the provisional award decreed on April 11th.


But in a story that has not been without cumbersome passages, a further decidedly singular chapter was added yesterday. The document, dated 24 May, signed by the three race commissioners (Antonio Iadicicco, Antonella Moretti, Giovanbattista Iorio) was published in the body’s noticeboard, which gives an account of a «partial rectification due to a mere material error in the report tender number 7 of 29 March 2024″. That is, the very one that came under scrutiny for the alleged modification of the scores assigned to competing companies. The trio of municipal officials attests that that session, which began on March 29, actually ended on April 5, and not on March 29 as can be seen from the minutes. «During the writing phase – explain the commissioners – the closing date of the reserved activities for the evaluation of the technical offers was omitted due to a mere clerical error. Indeed, they were physically concluded on 5 April.”


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