Scoccia and the 7,500 in the square: «Perugia is faced with an epochal choice between past and future»

PERUGIA – The closing event of Margherita Scoccia’s electoral campaign took place on Thursday evening in Piazza IV Novembre, in the center of Perugia. The square was packed with young people, volunteers, supporters, candidates and citizens. There were 7,500 people who followed the mayoral candidate’s rally and the Italy match projected on the giant screen before dancing to the music of the deejays who followed one another on stage. The album ‘Satisfaction’ was played by Margherita Scoccia between the first and second half of a festive evening during which the event took place in a safe and orderly manner.

«With these elections we are faced with an epochal choice between past and future with two absolutely different visions of cities, ours based on ideas and projects and the other based on ideologies – says Scoccia -. Perugia is ready for the great leap forward and for this reason it is, as never before, a vote of responsibility. Our political opponents talk about dreams, souls and happiness, the truth is that in 2014 they left us a bankrupt city with a terrible budget hole and we are handing it back with assets of half a billion in investments, I repeat half a billion in investments, something which has never been seen before. Here’s the difference. Commitment, concreteness and responsibility towards the people of Perugia have been the distinctive feature of our political action and will continue to be so because I will be the mayor of the whole city and not just a part of it. In this election there is no cup up for grabs – continues Scoccia – there is something much bigger up for grabs, namely the destiny of Perugia which is now at a crossroads and can choose whether to withdraw into ideology and the past or go forward in responsible development. Politics is not about haranguing the crowds and smiling broadly – ​​says Scoccia – politics is about making decisions in an informed and responsible manner. People stop us on the street and ask us to move forward with the same sense of responsibility that characterized us because they remember well what Perugia was like ten years ago and how it is today. Perugia is no longer the ‘Drug Capital’ and people no longer kill each other with knives on Corso Vannucci, in front of the City Hall door, a few meters from this stage. Today Perugia is finally an open city ready to welcome investors from Italy and the world, it is our Renaissance and there is no turning back, we will design the city together.” Margherita Scoccia spoke to the young people: «I don’t propose nightlife departments, I have rebuilt the schools for the young people, redeveloping and restoring safety to half of those in the city, 47 in five years. Before us, at most a couple of them were put back in place by council.”

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