MeteoGiuliacci, “serious picture”. The alarming prediction for summer 2024 – Il Tempo

MeteoGiuliacci, “serious picture”. The alarming prediction for summer 2024 – Il Tempo
MeteoGiuliacci, “serious picture”. The alarming prediction for summer 2024 – Il Tempo

The great heat arrived in large areas of Italy in this second half of June. But what awaits us for the rest of the summer, especially with regards to a long-standing problem, that of drought? The experts at provide a “severe weather picture” for the South MeteoGiuliacci, according to which “the weather situation in Southern Italy is extremely critical, with rainfall well below seasonal averages for months now”. Sicily, according to reports, is the most affected region, followed by Calabria and Basilicata.

Are you expecting a drought-filled summer? “The southern regions and Sicily remain on the margins of the disturbed flows and now with the intense heat the picture is worsening significantly”, he explains Davide Santini on the site that hosts the colonel’s forecasts Mario Giuliacci, Thursday 20 June. In short, it is an “alarm” because the hot season “promises to be particularly difficult”, as we will arrive “with a marked water deficit” and the “situation is destined to worsen further”. So much so that “we can perhaps talk about an improvement only in the Autumn, but only if the season is up to par”. The weather trends for the summer bring not encouraging news, a “hot and dry” summer is expected, explains the expert who suggests structural and not just emergency solutions to guarantee water supply in Southern Italy.

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