Launch of Cremona Digital Facilitation Points

Starting from July, the Digital Facilitation Points (PFD) will open in Cremona, new free services for citizens, created thanks to the funds of the Pnrr in collaboration with the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the initiative of the Lombardy Region.

A network of local partners is ready to activate 19 locations throughout the Cremona area that will host the PFD counters, to offer free services to citizens who request them.

With the support of digital facilitators, specially trained operators, citizens can book an appointment at the nearest counter and access free services to learn how to best use digital tools, in every aspect of daily life and in a simpler and more conscious way .

These free services can be customized according to individual needs or provided in groups and concern for example:

– access to digital public services (such as SPID, Electronic ID Card, health and tax services, school and training services, etc.);

– access to private digital services (management of a social network, job search through online portals, internet banking, online shopping, etc., all while respecting the citizen’s privacy);

– expanding knowledge of basic digital applications on smartphones or PCs (Internet browsing, word processing programs, spreadsheets, creating presentations, video conferencing, email management, etc.).

The partnership network that manages the PFDs includes Cesvip Lombardia (leader), CGIL Cremona, Casalmaggiore, Crema, Soresina, Energheia, Carità e Lavoro, Auser Cremona, Casalmaggiore, Gussola, Ostiano, Romanengo, Sesto and the Municipality of Casalmaggiore, Castelverde, Gussola , Piadena. In the meantime, for further information and to start booking the appointment at the counter for the chosen service, interested citizens can contact the Cremonese office of Cesvip Lombardia, by calling 0372/432868 or by writing to

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