Workplace safety in Sicily, a roundtable at the Region

Workplace safety in Sicily, a roundtable at the Region
Workplace safety in Sicily, a roundtable at the Region

And permanent consultation table for health and safety in the workplace was established this afternoon at theRegional Department of Family, Social Policies and Labour. Among the tasks of the new body, established by the President of the Region Renato Schifani, observation, monitoring and preparation of proposals aimed at improving the conditions to contain the risks of accidents in the workplace. “In this phase, where Sicily is affected by numerous construction sites, for works of the Pnrr, structural funds and other financing programs”, declares the regional councilor for Labor, Nuccia Albano, “the significant need to establish a consultation table has emerged”.

Workplace safety, roundtable in Sicily

“We thought it appropriate to adopt a tool for focus on solutions that can guarantee better safety conditions”, added the regional councillor for labour, “in construction, agriculture, manufacturing, port and logistics fields, sectors which, as reported in the news, are the most affected by accidents at work. The Schifani government is deploying all possible tools to reverse the trend of accidents and deaths during work activities which is, unfortunately, increasing. The establishment of the table has, in fact, a function of address and awareness, with the strategic objectives of safer and healthier employment for workers, culture, information and training on the work environment, quality of performance, of the company and of the development, support and control“.

Members of the new regional body

The table, proposed by the trade unions, is composed of theCouncillor for Family, Social Policies and Work, who presides over it, from the councilors to Saluteall‘Agriculture, to the Infrastructureat Productive activitiesall’Instruction and to the Turismoby the general manager of the regional department of Labour, by the director of the prevention department of the Asp of Catania, by the regional director of Inail, by the regional general secretaries of the trade union organisationsthe Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Ugl, from the presidents of Confindustria Sicily, Ance Sicily, Confesercenti Sicily, Confcommercio Sicily, Cna Sicily, Confartigianato Sicily, Confapi Sicily, Coldiretti Sicily, Confagricoltura Sicily, Cia Sicily, Legacoop Sicily, Confcooperative Sicily, Agci Sicily. The table can be integrated with experts for specific topics.

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