Conflavoro, opportunities also for the South

“For Conflavoro Differentiated Autonomy can be an opportunity for all Regions”

We understand the fears of the South very well – underlines the national president Roberto Capobianco – because unfortunately it has always lived at a different speed compared to the North and the potential it could express.

This reform, sought over the years by both central and regional governments of the centre-right as well as the centre-left, however has the precise objective of rebalancing the powers between the State and the Regions, giving the latter the opportunity – but only if they want it given that it is not a question of an automatic process – to obtain greater decision-making autonomy on important matters.

To us this, in principle, seems like a positive intent

No Region will be deprived of resources for the benefit of the territories that ask for Autonomy, therefore – states the president of Conflavoro – it is wrong to give up Southern Italy. Unfortunately, the disparities with the North are historical, but for this very reason the regional administrations that wish to do so will be able to demonstrate that they know how to do the good of their respective territories, of the people who live there and of the companies and workers who work there.

If this is not the case, we will be the first to defend the productive fabric of the individual territory, but today in our opinion it is useless to raise alarms for a model which, moreover, is certainly not new in Europe, concludes Capobianco.

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