In 2023, cases of mobbing doubled in Trentino

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As many as 167 cases, with an increase of 53% compared to the previous year: a fact that alone illustrates the intense activity of the employment equality advisor, which emerged during the annual press conference of Matteo Borzaga, equality advisor of the Province of Trento, who began his second mandate in this delicate role last January.

Borzaga after a brief introduction in which he outlined the tasks of the equality advisor and highlighted the significant differences between Italian and Trentino legislation, Borzaga commented on the data justifying it the record increase in cases with two main reasons.

On the one hand, having established the institute in 2022 at the Provincial Council, it gave the office greater visibility and therefore facilitated access to the service. On the other hand, the growing use of consultancy is indicative of an increased and increasingly widespread discomfort, with a general worsening of the working conditions of workers.

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During 2023, as also in previous years, the equality councilor concentrated on the very demanding activity of legal and orientation desk (a peculiarity, this, which is entrusted to his role by the Trentino provincial law) dealing (in an absolutely free and, he was keen to underline, in full respect of workers’ privacy) dealing, it was said, with 167 cases and managing to always find effective mediation.

Among other things, Borzaga added, the offices have recently been moved in an area of ​​Palazzo Trentini with dedicated entrance from via Torre Verde, in order to guarantee even greater privacy for users who want to use its service.

The main topics addressed were: mainly conciliation work life/family life and other organizational problems especially for female workers returning from maternity leave. Other controversial aspects, the flexibility/precariousness of the labor market, especially for female workers regarding involuntary part-time and the workplace discomfort and mobbing (with an incidence of this case measured in 80 cases out of the total).

It must be said that the activity of the equality advisor often takes place in alongside that of trade unions or lawyers which the worker resorted to before requesting his advice. We decide together how to proceed, always fully respecting the needs of the parties, with the aim of achieving a peaceful mediation and, ultimately, of accessing at least the benefits of Naspi.

Finally, it should be underlined that, in reality, the people who came into contact with the office of the Councilor for Employment Equality were well over 167, given that the requests received via e-mail, if they do not result in an interview, they are not considered “cases” e therefore they are not registered as such.

Suffice it to say that, during 2023, the office of the Councilor(s) of Equality in Work of the Autonomous Province of Trento sent approximately 3000 e-mails to users, many of which containing information or opinions regarding precise requests from the latter (in 2022 there were around 1500). Since 2020, cases have practically increased by 100%

Analyzing the data, we also note that not only did the number of cases treated in 2023 increase compared to 2022, but that there was also a significant decrease in cases that started in 2022 or earlier, which constitutes a very positive fact, because it implies that the
resolution of the cases themselves has become decidedly quicker than in the past.

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