«Dawn of a historic day»

River sitting

The vote the final was expected this evening but when it was just after midnight the majority in the Chamber forced their hand And approved the night session: no suspension, let’s move on. The League applied pressure and Autonomy at seven in the morning today, Wednesday 19 March, after a long session that began at three the previous afternoon, it became law with 172 yes votes and 99 no votes. Oppositions arise; this was not the agreement reached in the Chamber. The centre-left and the 5 stars are protesting but for the Northern League the battle of life is in the bag: the centre-right appears united at the time of the vote, article by article.

The League prepares the party

It needed ainjection of confidence after the electoral defeatsFirst at the political level and then at the European elections, the reform of regional autonomy had become fundamental. The Northern League triumphsfirst of all the secretary Alberto Stefanispeaker in the Chamber: «Forty-eight hours without sleeping230 votes, but satisfaction pays for everything because today is a historic day. At 7.40 in the morning Autonomy is the law of the State thanks to the League.” And so on Friday evening at Montecchio Maggiorein the presence of the President of the Region, Luca Zaia, and the Minister and Federal Secretary, Matteo Salvini, the great celebration of Autonomy will be celebrated. There will be no immediate changes, the process is still long (Lep, negotiations, agreements) but seven years after the Veneto referendum which called for regional autonomy the first goal has been reached.

Zaia: «History made»

«Autonomy is law! Today the history of this country was made! It is the dawn of a historic day! These are the words of Luca Zaia, who commented via social media on the definitive approval of the Calderoli bill. «It arrives after a long nocturnal marathon in the Chamber – writes Zaia – the second and definitive yes to the Autonomy bill. The Montecitorio Chamber in fact approved the measure with 172 yes votes, 99 votes against and 1 abstention. Autonomy is law! » She concludes.

Bitonci: «Historic result»

«Today, more than ever, it is clear that thedifferentiated autonomy is the best choice for Italy’s futurea dream that becomes reality, loudly requested by Venetians and Lombards with the referendums of 2017″, the comment of Massimo Bitonci, undersecretary of Mimit, present in the chamber between the government benches during all the proceedings. «A great result that now, through agreements with the Regions, it will be able to bring new matters to the administrations who will want to seize this fundamental opportunity. Greater skills and accountability of local administrators for their action, rationalization of spending, standard costs and requirements by eliminating the criterion of historical expenditure and with the Lep, national guarantees for social services essential to combat social inequalities. Implementation of a reform that unites and does not divide.”

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