Autonomy, Simona Loizzo of the League waves the flag of Calabria

ROME A flag of Region Calabria among many flags of the Serenissima: he waved it among the benches of the League the Calabrian deputy from the Carroccio Simona Loizzo at the time of the final and definitive approval of the differentiated autonomy bill in the Chamber. «With Autonomy, our region will also grow, ready to race to reduce that gap with the rest of the country which up to now has not given credit to the potential of this territory. Now everything changes and we will move forward with even more strength and determination in the name of responsibility and transparency”, says the Calabrian deputy Simona Loizzo. Grillina Vittoria Baldino’s response was decidedly opposite. «In the photo you can see Simona Loizzo, a Northern League deputy elected in Calabria, displaying a flag of the Calabria region in the Chamber to celebrate the approval of differentiated autonomy, better known as the “Spacca Italia”. I wonder: what do the Calabrian representatives have to celebrate? Are they celebrating having sold out their region? Linear cuts to healthcare and services for Calabrian citizens? Of having destroyed the South and, consequently, their land? There is nothing to celebrate for the Calabrians, yet, from their seats, today they celebrate for their mere personal interests. They celebrate on the shoulders of the Calabrians who will continue to have to emigrate for treatment, who will see further cuts to services and no investment in infrastructure. Today they celebrate the death of the South and of Calabria.” The comment of the Calabrian parliamentarian of the M5s.

Autonomy, Occhiuto confirms dissent: «Error of the center-right, Forza Italia Calabria voted no»

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