Former incinerator via San Severo in Foggia, clearance operation by the Local Police

Former incinerator via San Severo in Foggia, clearance operation by the Local Police
Former incinerator via San Severo in Foggia, clearance operation by the Local Police

The clearing operations of the former incinerator in via San Severo were carried out this morning coordinated by the Local Police of Foggia with the support of the State Police.

The site – on which a project financed by the Pnrr for the demolition of the structure and the reclamation for a total amount of 6.6 million euros insists – was occupied illegally by two family groups for a total of 10 people, including 3 minors .

“The activities began a few days ago – explains the local police councilor Daniela Patano – with a series of meetings and discussions with the group that had occupied the area. A group that immediately showed itself to be very collaborative and decided to independently relocate elsewhere, voluntarily refusing the support we provided.”

In the afternoon, the reclamation activities will continue with the demolition of the existing shacks and subsequently the site will be handed over to the company that will carry out the reclamation. “I must congratulate the women and men of the Local Police who attended – continues Patano -, because they demonstrated a great sense of humanity in carrying out the clearance operations, a fundamental element when intervening in contexts of degradation like this one”.

The mayor of Foggia, Maria Aida Episcopo, also spoke on today’s activity, underlining on behalf of the administration that “the redevelopment of our city also involves the elimination of these pockets of degradation and discomfort which are intolerable today. Unfortunately, these are situations that we have to deal with on a daily basis and which are already being paid attention to by our administration, but we cannot think of intervening only and exclusively with force. What happened today demonstrates how dialogue and an attitude of human understanding can facilitate delicate operations. Now we just have to wait for the completion of the project to give Foggia an entrance worthy of a large city in southern Italy.” There were also animals on the site that were taken into care by Enpa.

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