Svimez, Umbria’s GDP grows by 0.3 percent: it is below the Italian average

Svimez, Umbria’s GDP grows by 0.3 percent: it is below the Italian average
Svimez, Umbria’s GDP grows by 0.3 percent: it is below the Italian average

by Chiara Fabrizi

In 2023, Umbria’s GDP grew by a modest 0.3 percent compared to an average Italian result of +0.9 percent. We read it in the Svimez report on the economy of the country and the regions, which signals a phase of stagnation for Central Italy, which grew by just 0.4 percent: Tuscany’s GDP is negative by 0.4 percent ; a minus also in the Marche for 0.2 percent, while Lazio and Abruzzo closed with a GDP growth of 1.1 percent and 1.4 percent respectively.

Bad agriculture and industry In detail, according to the Svimez analysis, what weighs most on the performance of Umbria, but of the country in general, are the difficulties that the agricultural sector is experiencing. The national comparison between the added value delivered by the sector between 2023 and 2022 is negative by 2.5 percent, but in Umbria the situation is much worse, with agriculture losing 9.8 percent in one year hundred. Also in this case, the decline of the sector in Umbria is greater than the average recorded in Central Italy, which stopped at -6.1 percent. The 2023-2022 added value of the industry is also in the red: in this case in Italy the sector lost 1.1 percent, while in Umbria it lost 3.1 percent; a value which remains higher even than that of Central Italy, where the industry slipped by 2.6 percent.

Growth from construction and services Driving the modest growth of Umbria’s GDP in 2023 was above all the construction sector, which increased its added value by 4.8 percent compared to the previous year. In this case, the increase is greater than the Italian average, which stops at 3.9 percent, but remains below the result of Central Italy, where it soared to +6.2 percent. 2023 was also positive for services: here Umbria grew by 1.6 percent, perfectly in line with the Italian average, but the result of Umbria’s intangible sector was also greater than that of Central Italy, which remained at + 1.1 percent.

GDP change 2019-2023 Finally, the Svimez report compares the 2023 GDP with that of 2019 and in the case of Umbria delivers a markedly negative variation, with a step backwards in the economy by 2.5 percent. The regional data is in strong contrast with both that of the country, which has grown by 3.5 percent in the last five years, and that of Central Italy where the GDP has increased more modestly, but still by 1 .7 percent. In the last five years the only regions that have suffered a contraction in GDP, in addition to Umbria, are Basilicata (-5.7 percent) and Valle d’Aosta (-4.8)

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