Thailand ok to homosexual marriages, activists: “Great victory”

Thailand ok to homosexual marriages, activists: “Great victory”
Thailand ok to homosexual marriages, activists: “Great victory”

In Thailand parliament gave the green light to legalize same-sex marriage: and the first country in Southeast Asia. The Senate approved the proposed changes to the law regulating marriage, with 130 votes in favour, 4 against and 18 abstentions. The text will have to be submitted to King Maha Vajiralongkorn so that the legislation can be published in the Royal Gazette, and therefore enter into force by the end of the year. But the king’s is just a formality. In the rest of Asia, marriage between homosexual couples is also legal in Nepal and Taiwan.

Thailand, legalization of homosexual marriages

Thailand, the law

The bill passed by the Thai parliament guarantees full legal, financial and medical rights to spouses of any gender. The change affected the wording of the Civil and Commercial Code, in which with regard to marriage, the words “men and women” and “husband and wife” are no longer used, but “individuals” And “spouses“. Homosexual married couples will be able to enjoy the same rights as heterosexual women regarding, for example, adoptions, tax benefits, access to inheritance and the possibility of making medical decisions for the partner if he is unable to do so independently.

Although Thailand is a very inclusive country, the law on same-sex marriage comes after years of struggle by activists. Furthermore, members of the LGBTQ+ community claim to suffer discrimination on a daily basis. Anna “Waaddao” Chumaportactivist for LGBT+ rights states that “today is there historic day that we have always been waiting for.” Adosorn JuntrasookCouncilor of the Committee for Homosexual Marriage, says that “Everything is fine society that truly accepts everyone with respect and equal rights it’s a livable society“. And the activist Pakotchakorn Wongsupa he says that I am happy that our grandchildren and future generations whatever their sexual orientation they can use this law with their partners.”

In Italy we still do not have the legalization of homosexual marriage, as in many other countries in the world. In Europe there are only 21 countries where homosexuals can marry, while in the world there are fewer than 40.

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