Pietrucci brings to the council the critical issues of the RSA Villa Dorotea and the downgrading of the L’Aquila Customs Office

L’AQUILA – “A session of the Conference of Group Leaders of the Regional Council took place today: on the agenda were two key issues that I wanted to be urgently discussed: the critical issues of the RSA Villa Dorotea in the Municipality of Scoppito and the downgrading that the our Region and our province are suffering from the Customs Office. These are issues that I immediately decided to take charge of: listen to the problems and try to give them a solution that is as shared as possible.” Thus the regional councilor Pierpaolo Pietrucci.

Who continues: “Let’s go in order. On Villa Dorotea I wanted to give a voice to the employees of the Cooperativa San Rocco who work in the rehabilitation department and who have been experiencing a situation of uncertainty in the payment of salaries for some time: in fact, the CGIL was also present in the courtroom and was audited on employment critical issues. The problem of Villa Dorotea is a problem that must be solved to avoid the difficulties that beset workers and their families, forced to wait exhaustingly for monthly payments with growing concerns in this phase in which the cost of living – between bills, mortgages, high prices – shopping, school, transport, petrol, etc. – dramatically affects people’s lives. I will also bring this battle to the Health Commission of the Regional Council with an agenda and the hearing of all the protagonists, including the Mayor of Scoppito and the president of the San Rocco cooperative”.

“For the Customs Agency Office, however, we need to raise the voice of an entire Region and its capital which cannot remain silent in the face of the downgrading of the Customs Office: it would go from two offices to just one ( in Pescara) despite having 4 provinces and a significant territorial extension.

The only headquarters, among other things, would be in Pescara and not in L’Aquila, the regional capital, an unprecedented and very serious fact which, among other things, would condemn the 45 employees of the province of L’Aquila not only to relocation but also to risks in professional growth”.

“This organizational reform will lead to the merger between the current two management offices of the Customs, that of Pescara (responsible for the provinces of Pescara, Chieti, through the Territorial Operational Sections (SOT) of Ortona and Vasto, and Teramo, through the SOT of Giulianova) , and that of L’Aquila (competent over the province of L’Aquila, also through the Avezzano SOT) and the current Monopolies Management Office for Abruzzo: clear proof of what has been happening for some time, always to the detriment of the internal areas .

In fact, the city of L’Aquila and its province would be cut off without logic just because of an absurd accounting method as well remembered by the trade unions present and whom I thank, which would not lead to any cost savings.

We need awareness and a strong position from our Region which cannot remain helpless in the face of such a penalizing reform for our territory: for this reason I will present an urgent resolution to the next Regional Council”, concludes the regional councilor.

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the eagle Pierpaolo Pietrucci villa dorotea

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