Valerio Di Cesare gets the keys to the city of Bari

Valerio Di Cesare gets the keys to the city of Bari
Valerio Di Cesare gets the keys to the city of Bari

Mayor Decaro: «Di Cesare is a symbol of this City»

This afternoon, in the council room of Palazzo di Città, the mayor Antonio Decaro handed over the keys to the city to Valerio Di Cesare, who played 8 seasons with the red and white, collecting 235 appearances marked by 20 goals, the last, decisive one, Terni in the return match of the ’23-’24 playouts.

«I am happy and proud to hand over the keys of the city to Valerio Di Cesare, who for Bari is not only a great footballer, but represents, in a plastic way, the total identification of a man with an entire community – declared the mayor Decaro -. Valerio was an extraordinary defender, timing, tenacious, intelligent, but also an incredible goalscorer. He scored with the right and the left, on the fly and with the counter-leap, after great gallops or with imperious breaks. And he scored in a final, at the age of 41, with an amazing half-overhand kick, a feat that many of his peers would no longer be able to achieve even on the water’s edge. But what we will remember about Di Cesare, more than the technical gestures, is the enormous love that he felt and feels not only for the team but for the entire city. The love of those who in 2018, in Serie D, rejected who knows how many and how much more profitable offers, to establish a real marriage with the city of Bari. Whether it was played in the ruined amateur fields, in front of a few dozen fans or in a glittering San Nicola with sixty thousand spectators, it never made a difference for the Captain. The professionalism, the determination, the leadership, the stubbornness, the warrior spirit have always been the same, year after year, match after match.

This is why Valerio Di Cesare has become a full-fledged symbol of Bari. And this is why the people of Bari, with the recognition of the keys to the city, intend to seal forever their affection and gratitude for their eternal Captain”.

The text accompanying the keys to the city reads: “To Valerio Di Cesare, captain of Bari, who with his tenacity and generosity became not only the leader of the red and white team but also the symbol of an entire community. The keys to the city are the seal of affection and gratitude of the people of Bari for an athlete who put his love for the jersey before other goals, leading his teammates with charisma in recent seasons.

With affection and gratitude

The Mayor of Bari”.

«I am very honored to receive this recognition from Mayor Decaro, a person I respect very much for what he has managed to do in Bari in recent years – concluded Valerio Di Cesare -. I have lived here with my family for eight years now, my children grew up in Bari where I have experienced everything. Here I rejoiced, I cried and I grew as a man. Regardless of the fact that unfortunately I stopped playing football, I can assure you that I will always put Bari before everything, as I have always done in recent years. I hope one day, as soon as possible, to be able to give this wonderful square the dream it deserves. For me, Bari is home: in recent years I have seen it grow exponentially and, my family and I are in love with Bari. I thank all of you for what you have always given me. For me it is truly an honor to receive the keys to the city.”

Valerio Di Cesare wanted to donate his framed number 6 jersey to Mayor Decaro.

Councilor Petruzzelli attended the ceremony and gave Captain Di Cesare a traditional rooster-shaped candle.

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