«Muraglia, for the services to be transferred only calls for tenders without serious discussion»

«Muraglia, for the services to be transferred only calls for tenders without serious discussion»
«Muraglia, for the services to be transferred only calls for tenders without serious discussion»

PESARO «Transfer of services from Muraglia, the tenders only look at the spaces and neglect the organizational and reception aspect. And there are no guarantees on the continuity of employment of the operators. Thus, participation is given up and the quality of services is put at risk.” This is the critical position expressed by the Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane Marche, regarding the public notices of the AST (expiring on 24 June) to find properties to rent where to move the structures and services that will have to relocate in view of the opening of the building site new hospital in Muraglia at the beginning of autumn, but also external companies with which to enter into agreements for the management of residential social and healthcare activities.

The package

The most relevant package is represented by the relocation of the services and structures that revolve around the so-called “Citadel of mental health”. «All processes of change involve effort and the construction of the new hospital in Pesaro is not exempt from this step – writes the Alliance of Cooperatives of the Marche – the community should also be a unique opportunity to take stock of the state and future of local health and social services. But this did not happen in Pesaro. The transfer, made necessary by the construction of the hospital, has seen Ast 1 issue 4 notices in the last 6 months, mainly aimed at exploring the availability of spaces and buildings useful for the transfer, without initiating any comparison with the realities of the territory to investigate the plans, history and needs of the services. One of the notices states that you will have 30 minutes to present your project proposal. In this time in which public administrations are oriented towards activating participatory co-programming and co-planning procedures, tools foreseen and recognized by the regulations, as essential to guarantee the quality of welfare services, we ask ourselves whether 30 minutes is a suitable time for a useful comparison to share possible strategies for reorganizing the service system”.


The Alliance of Cooperatives recalls that the program agreement to build the new hospital was signed two years ago, underlining that there was time to address the qualitative aspect. And instead, «the tender, in the face of a complexity dictated by the transfer of services with heterogeneous needs, histories and delivery models, seems to prioritize the availability of the spaces necessary for complete management, neglecting organizational elements that characterized the quality and specificity of the individual services and not even highlighting the criteria for assigning scores. Of course, every service needs walls in which to take place, but we believe that in addition to the container, care for welcoming users and their families is fundamental, which is made up of history, projects and links with the communities. Furthermore, dozens of operators, members of social cooperatives, are involved in the services in question, who for a long time, in many cases for decades, have guaranteed the qualitative elements of the service, starting from knowledge of the users”.

The characteristics

For the Alliance of Cooperatives «the characteristics of the tender do not offer any guarantee regarding the maintenance of the employment continuity of these people, therefore putting their and their families’ earning capacity at risk. Transferring a welfare service must be part of a project that involves the territory, this is co-programming and co-planning. These notices are a declaration of renunciation of any participatory and shared planning that places life projects at the center and this puts at risk the quality of services that have been and still are the pride of a community that has always been at the forefront of quality and diffusion of welfare services”.

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