Anpi remembers Giacomo Matteotti: the appointment in Terni

An appointment in Terni to remember Giacomo Matteotti on the centenary of his death. Anpi has organized the presentation of the book by the Honorable Federico Fornaro ‘Giacomo Matteotti’ for Monday 17 June at 5.30 pm. The best Italy’.

The event In the conference room of the Casa delle Donne, in via Aminale 22, the journalist Roberto Vicaretti of ‘Rainews24’ will interview the MP, who is also an essayist and politician and former president of the ‘Carlo Ghiraldenghi’ Institute for the history of the Resistance and contemporary society. He is currently a member of the Chamber of Deputies. Before the interview, however, there will be a presentation by the deputy vice president of the Anpi of Terni Nicoletta Filipponi.

‘Giacomo Matteotti. The best Italy In the book, the biography of the socialist parliamentarian and leader acts as a common thread to the reconstruction of the historical passages that led to Mussolini’s conquest of power and the consolidation of the fascist regime. Matteotti’s political experience is fully placed in the phase of the birth and affirmation of the Italian socialist movement, promptly giving an account of its transformations and its travails. The final part of the book instead focuses on the role that the figure of Matteotti had in the political culture of post-war Italy, on the significant weight that Matteotti’s example retained in keeping the spirit of the anti-fascist resistance alive, until the recent recovery of meaning and value of his political thought.

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