Irregular transport of dangerous goods together with a less than crystalline ring of false certificates and activities that could constitute fraud against the state as well as various environmental crimes are behind the massive control activity launched by the Prefecture of Naples with a joint action by the Guardia Coast Guard, Guardia di Finanza and Carabinieri. Checkpoint on the port of Casamicciola Terme, Ischia and documentary checks also in Pozzuoli, as part of the investigations conducted, according to what we have learned, on two lines which both travel on the sea and with ferries flying the flag red. But also on a highly confidential investigation aimed at clarifying the environmental and economic networks of a large transport and construction company in Ischia. The authorities’ maximum attention.

The investigations

But let’s distinguish the events. There would be an investigation aimed at clarifying the incorrect commercial activities and practices of a large construction company in Ischia. Then there are the controls on the sea routes. The investigations are aimed at shedding light on the possible round linked to irregular trafficking of dangerous goods, as well as environmental crimes, which passed from Ischia to the mainland and vice versa, on the sea routes.More in detail, the men of the harbor office of Porto, the GDF and the Carabinieri soldiers responsible for the territory, as part of an “Action Day” agreed through prefectural cooperation channels, carried out an intense control activity lasting hours. The agents employed in the operation carried out checks documents in Pozzuoli upon embarkation and disembarkation and in the port of Ischia to the Caramer, Gestour and Medmar ships, control upon disembarkation in the port of Casamicciola Terme of the ship Agata and then to the Maria Buono of Medmar and finally to the M/N Giuseppina I of Traspemar arriving from Pozzuoli

An activity aimed at checking the loaded trucks with their loads, the quality of the materials and their destination. Checks on documents and the weight of goods transported by road bison. Waste, land, products and materials also intended for construction activities. The action arises from the prefectural provision and from a complex and detailed investigative activity, as well as from observation, control and shadowing services, which made it possible to collect serious clues relating to the existence of possible crimes. In reality, according to what emerges from the investigations , the alleged irregularities that we are trying to find would serve to further significantly reduce costs and maximize illicit profits, these operations would never have occurred if the dangerous goods had not traveled, by land and then by sea through the fraudulent compilation of fictitious declarations of conformity and ideologically false transport documents (DDTs), issued by some companies that have come under the spotlight. Considerable volumes of materials that are poorly transported also represent a threat to safety in transport and navigation.


After an intense morning of checks, the authorities specifically checked the weight and load on board the vehicles and two trucks were stopped and subjected to further checks after the disembarkation which took place around 11am on Friday 14 June in the port of Casamicciola Terme. The trucks were traveling on Giuseppina I. The investigations are still ongoing, the authorities have ordered investigative investigations and weight checks of the transported loads. The checks were carried out for dry goods at Ischia Ambiente equipped with an ad hoc weighbridge, while for construction material assignments at another site where the counting for transported units will be carried out.

According to what we have learned, some vehicles were found to be overloaded with the risk of being hit with a fine of around 200 euros and 5 points deducted from the driver’s licence.


The investigation in particular would move along two lines: alluvial sludge and the illicit disposal of dangerous materials through the same sludge and the loading over the banks of the loaded vehicles which on 6 March caused several trucks to overturn in the Benito Buono garage, almost touching the tragedy. In the first case the investigation into the sludge led to the discovery of the not entirely regular transport of the products also through the help of companies in the odor of the Camorra, with the case of the entrepreneur Salvatore Langellotto and with companies without a regular DURC. The DDA is dealing with the case. Materials derived from other processes, demolitions, building demolitions and other types of processes not strictly linked to the current emergency and derived from other construction sites which with the flood and landslide in Ischia could also have ended up in the storage sites intended for the flood. they have nothing to do. The order of the Prefect of Naples Michele di Bari to carry out the first extraordinary access last year to the site of the “Pio Monte Shipyard” would have been only the tip of the iceberg. Materials derived from other processes, demolitions, building demolitions and other types of processes not strictly linked to the current emergency and derived from other construction sites which with the flood and landslide in Ischia could also have ended up in the storage sites intended for the flood. they have nothing to do. The sludge traveled with the dedicated ship Agata and precisely because of the case of those crimes the spotlight came on for the Prefect of Bari and Commissioner Legnini who allegedly froze the allocations. The DDA dealt with the case. Now in the matter of transport on loaded trucks over the banks, there have been countless meetings in the Prefecture during which what has already been exposed to the Prefecture on several occasions regarding some critical issues encountered in the transport of goods were once again reported dangerous from the islands of Ischia and Procida. In this regard, the Prefect involved the Police Forces as well as the Maritime Directorate of the Coast Guard of Naples and the territorially competent maritime district offices so that appropriate instructions were given to the employees for the intensification of the related controls compliance with the relevant regulations, including environmental matters, and the specific requirements that vehicles must possess to be admitted to the safe loading and transport of their cargo on the mainland. This is according to leaked information and according to the information in our possession. If these rumors are confirmed, a further investigation will be inevitable.


From the early hours of this morning, a vast operation conducted in synergy between the Carabinieri Company of Ischia, the island’s Coast Guard and the Financial Police Company aimed specifically at controlling the transport of goods arriving and departing from the island of Ischia.

In fact, the soldiers of the Army, the Coast Guard and the Financial Police jointly carried out a series of checks, also through the use of a certified public weighbridge, with the specific aim of ascertaining that the arriving and departing trucks did not exceed the maximum capacity limit as well as verifying that the goods were accompanied by the required tax documentation and finally, that among the arriving and departing goods there were no “dangerous goods or waste” artfully hidden for mixed transport.

From the checks carried out, 11 fines were imposed under the Highway Code for excess weight and incorrectly placed cargo for an amount of over two thousand euros.

The joint control and prevention activities will also continue in the next few days in order to protect the safety of navigation and cargo traffic through a specific control on the loads transported by naval vessels, to protect public safety also in consideration of the expected increase of passengers in transit.

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