SOS water in Basilicata: the tomato season at risk

SOS water in Basilicata: the tomato season at risk
SOS water in Basilicata: the tomato season at risk

“The drought emergency in Basilicata is taking on dramatic proportions. Even in the Vulture-Melfese area, production is literally dying. Among the excellences of the aforementioned territories, it is appropriate to mention quality vegetables such as tomatoes and other specialties, but also fruit, specifically yellow-fleshed Percoche peaches”, said Andrea Badursi, president of the Asso Fruit Italia Producers’ Organization with associated agricultural companies in Basilicata and other Italian regions. “As far as Basilicata is concerned, the agricultural companies of our members – densely present in the various agricultural areas of Basilicata – are experiencing a phase that is nothing short of critical. Not encouraging signals are also coming from industry operators, companies such as Eugea Mediterranea have expressed strong concerns about the availability of water necessary to ensure the industrial processes of food transformation of fruit and vegetable products”. From the South to the North of Basilicata, there is a total insufficiency of water resources linked to contingencies such as drought but also to the unfortunately well-known structural limits of the water network. The losses involve the networks present throughout the region, therefore the supply levels are inevitably affected. To this are added other structural criticalities that affect the works necessary for the correct functioning of the reservoirs during the containment phase”. “The fruit and vegetable sector of the period has stopped and what is worse, as reported by our members, even future company projects risk being heavily compromised by the current situation”, added Badursi. For the president of the Producers’ Organization, based in Scanzano Jonico (Matera) “the request that we register among the many associated companies is to open a serious and effective discussion without hesitation with the bodies responsible for the governance of the precious resource. As a PO we are already starting discussions so that the most appropriate solutions are found to deal with the current emergency and the future is planned. There is an entire sector on the table and there are work and social expectations that cannot be sacrificed in any way”.

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