Reggio Calabria celebrates the foundation of the Bersaglieri Corps

On the occasion of the anniversary of 188th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Bersaglieri Corpsthe National Bersaglieri Association – Section of Reggio Calabria intends to remember this moment with the celebration of Holy Mass together with the Community of the Parish of Maria SS di Odigitria, the other Army Associations and the city authorities.

This year also marks the Centenary of birth of the Association Bersaglieri National Team formed for the first time in 1924 in the city of Bologna and subsequently throughout Italy.

The religious function, officiated by Monsignor Giacomo D’Annawill take place at 11.00 am Sunday 16 June ca at the Church of Hodegetria, commonly known as Church of Itria or of Chainslocated in via Sbarre

The Virgin of Odigitria – Madonna del Buon Cammino is in fact the protector of the Bersaglieri Corps.

“We have chosen to create a simple but intense event to honour, through the Eucharistic celebration, all our fallen in a choral sharing with the other Associations, the Military and Civil Authorities and the Parish Community. We Bersaglieri, as well as all the Arms Associations, feel invested with a precious task which is to preserve and keep alive the Values ​​of the Homeland, of the Flag and of the memory of those who sacrificed their lives on the altar of freedom . Our effort is to transmit these values ​​to the young people who represent the Italy of the future, in order to strengthen the bond with past generations of which they are the legitimate heirs”, states the President of the in a note Morabito Bers section. Nicholas.

The Bersaglieri Corps which is part of the Italian Army, together with the other Corps, is often deployed outside Italy in military missions abroad, operating in peace for democratic growth.

In Italy it is involved in the “Safe Roads” operation, but over time we can say that the Bersaglieri have always been “the first to rush”, as happened in the last flood in Romagna and as happened in the past since the terrible earthquake of 1908 in Reggio and Messina to the disastrous flood of Florence in 1966, just to name a few of the many interventions, where the Bersaglieri were present to help the populations.

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