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Home care threshold raised – Corriere di Taranto

The city council defied the opinion of the Auditor and approved the changes to Regulation For access to the System of Interventions and Social Services of the Municipality of Taranto. The changes concern two amendments and an act of direction, the first signed by Gianni Liviano (Minority Mix) and the other two by Patrizia Mignolo (Majority Mix) and signed by the Melucci majority. Specifically, the meeting asked the management of the Social Services to remodulate the minimum threshold of the ISEE, to access the free ADI (Integrated Home Assistance) and SAD services, which is reduced to 15,000 euros, as required by the regional regulation. The reduction would help families experiencing economic hardship and the most vulnerable individuals such as minors, the elderly and the disabled.

The municipal regulation. which was approved last January 2023 with a council resolution, provides for a contribution to the expenses of families, beneficiaries of ADI and SAD services, with ISEE of up to 6,000 euros. Which is why 350 families found themselves having to pay, without notice, for services that they had enjoyed free of charge until 31 December 2023. Furthermore, with the deed of address, prepared by Mignolo, there will be the suspension of the payment bills. Therefore, after months of stalemate, a semblance of administrative normality has emerged.

What is the Regulation for access to the Social Interventions and Services System

The recipients of the change are disabled citizens up to 64 years old, as well as all citizens who are at least 65 years old. According to Regional Regulation no. 4/2007 on the procedures for providing Home Care Services (SAD art.87 and art.53 letter of ADI art. 88) these are activities necessary to improve everyday life of users through the so-called PAI (Individual Assistance Project). Services that concern services to be carried out by special staff who provide support in daily activities, from preparing meals to various errands and personal hygiene.

The long debate

Although the three amendments were voted favorably by the twenty-five councilors present in the chamber, the previous phase of debate was much discussed. At the beginning of the debate, the audience, made up of the majority of professionals and users of the services, complained of their disappointment with pointed phrases such as “The administration will remedy this mess” and “disability is not a fault”.

The peaceful protest of the public of workers in the third sector

Goffredo Lomuzio (Mixed Majority) lashed out against the municipal managers who raised the ISEE threshold to access benefits “for fear of possible retaliation from the Court of Auditors” at the cost of causing “extremely significant economic damage to many citizens ”. A part of the centre-right opposition, however, made up of the Svolta Liberale group, shared the work of the management which “works with a sense of duty and responsibility to balance the revenue and coffers of the municipal body”. Inevitably, after the intervention of the manager Stefano Lanza on the “lack of economic resources” which “led to the lowering of the ISEE threshold” more than a few majority councillors, including Michele De Martino, suggested proceeding with the recovery of the funds through transfers budget. Here the centre-right opposition reminded the majority and some of its former members, now in the minority, that it is not “the first time” that this administration “has raised the tariff thresholds for the less well-off segment of citizens”. Furthermore, Mignolo, in his capacity as president of the Services commission, thanked the councilor for Social Services Gabriella Ficocelli and the councilors who, in all these months, have repeatedly discussed with the trade unions to amend the Regulation. “The previous Regulation – continued Mignolo – unfortunately, was approved on the basis of administrative urgencies, rather than focusing on the contents, so we rolled up our sleeves. We will always be on the side of citizens, of the most fragile subjects and of all users that politics has the duty to protect, to improve life quality”.

The other measures

After approving the changes to the Regulations for access to the System of Interventions and Social Services, the meeting suspended its work for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, it approved two other budget changes counting on the favorable vote of 15 councilors and two abstentions, namely Piero Bitetti and Mario Odone. Although the two councilors abstained, their presence allowed the maintenance of a quorum in the chamber, despite the opposition members of both the centre-right and centre-left abandoning the session. Off-balance sheet debts are also approved.

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