“Fundamental contribution in the province for the Cavedagna elections”

“The vote of 8 and 9 June gives us a historic result. For the first time we will have a right-wing Romagna man in the European Parliament, Stefano Cavedagna. A result that is also thanks to the great commitment of the Fratelli d’Italia Forlì-Cesena team in the area, which was able to speak to citizens and businesses, thus making an important contribution to Stefano’s election. We are in fact the second province after Bologna in terms of preferences”. Thus Alice Buonguerrieri and Luca Bartolini, respectively parliamentarian and provincial president of Fratelli d’Italia and coordinator of the party for the Forlì district, analyze the results of the European elections of the province, in which Fratelli d’Italia grew by 4% compared to the policies of 2022.

“Goals of this magnitude – underline the two Fdi exponents – do not arrive by chance but are the consequence of Giorgia Meloni’s credibility, of the Government’s operations as well as of a multi-year commitment, which has intensified in these months of the electoral campaign with continuous contacts, banquets, public meetings, conferences: a constant presence in the area, engaging in politics among the people, engaging with citizens on issues that are close to their hearts such as health, safety, work, the relaunch of tourism and the recovery of the area after the flood, he paid. The voters, in fact, appreciated this commitment and rewarded us with over 55 thousand votes, of which almost 6600 registered in our province, with preference to Stefano Cavedagna, the candidate chosen by Giorgia Meloni and on which all Fratelli d’Italia Emilia-Romagna he bet. In several municipalities the percentages of preference for Cavedagna are higher than 20%, such as in Roncofreddo, Civitella, Galeata and Premilcuore. But there are cases in which it approaches 30%, as in Sogliano, or even exceeds it, as in Bagno di Romagna. Not to mention Sarsina and Verghereto where it goes well over 40%”. “We are happy with this result, which takes away from the left the monopoly of Romagna representation in Brussels. For the next five years, the people of Romagna who do not recognize themselves in the PD’s bad government will be able to count on a capable MEP who is close to the territory. But for the Fratelli d’Italia team from the province of Forlì-Cesena this is only the starting point. We have mobilized the energies of the province to help make Europe better; now we remain in the field to finally send home this scandalous left-wing regional council, whose president, Stefano Bonaccini, has chosen to flee to Brussels”, conclude Buonguerrieri and Bartolini.

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