At “La Stampa è con voi”, Cirio and Lo Russo’s first time on stage after the elections: “Turin remained with the Democratic Party”. “But I recovered”

At “La Stampa è con voi”, Cirio and Lo Russo’s first time on stage after the elections: “Turin remained with the Democratic Party”. “But I recovered”
At “La Stampa è con voi”, Cirio and Lo Russo’s first time on stage after the elections: “Turin remained with the Democratic Party”. “But I recovered”

The scene has already been seen many times, also reinforced by the institutional harmony that they have chosen to put in place to guide the territory. But today, at the Turin stage of «La Stampa è con voi», the mayor of the City Stefano Lo Russo and the president of the Region Alberto Cirio took to the stage for the first time after the elections. At 12.20, in the setting of the Teatro Vittoria in via Antonio Gramsci 4, they animated the sixth stage of the newspaper’s tour which started on 9 February (Alessandria, Novara, Biella, Alba and Verbania the previous meetings) and which talks about current issues in front of and together with readers.

The deputy director Giuseppe Bottero, between the two, asks which Piedmont and which Turin these elections give us back. The mayor starts by claiming the electoral result of the Democratic Party in the city: «The city that responded I believe in a rather clear manner – he explains – The Democratic Party has achieved an important result which must be an incentive for us to do even better in the city. We have started big projects, but we will work on the problems that remain. Those who manage a large city sometimes tend to see less of the little things. Which however are not small: from maintenance to efficiency, from here on we will invest in this.” At the end of the intervention, yes congratulates President Cirio, he holds out his hand to «collaborate on the socio-health level, which remains a regional responsibility but the City is there», then adding a joke: «You have achieved a great result. Not in Turin – he jokes – but we’ll get over it.”

The reconfirmed president of Piedmont Alberto Cirio plays along and claims: «Five years ago, in the city of Turin I had 15% less votes than Chiamparino. Today 3%: I made a good comeback”. Then he continues, proud of the vote won by his list in the Regional elections “and of the preferences I obtained as president: a result that I read as a confirmation of my work”. And the same goes for the centre-right’s result at the European elections: «The governing coalition was strengthened by the vote. And it hasn’t happened in many other countries in Europe: those who govern have often been rejected, but we haven’t.”

the tour started on February 9th and arrives in Turin

The event that enters the heart of the newspaper. Journalists and guests on the stage of the Vittoria theatre

Giovanni Turi

June 12, 2024

Deputy director Bottero insinuates himself among the currents within the coalition. He reminds the mayor that he wasn’t with secretary Elly Schlein at the primaries, but he replies: “She’s done her job very well so far”. And he adds, on the broad field hypothesis, he who often clashed with the 5 Stars at the Palazzo Civico in the time of Chiara Appendino: «Here too I recognize myself in Schlein’s words. The Democratic Party must aggregate a coalition, without putting vetoes but without even accepting them. Coalitions are created in programs.” Instead, he asks the governor how the negotiations on the regional council with the Brothers of Italy are progressing: «I’m not worried in the slightest. The voters have decided the balance of power, and we will base ourselves on those.”

Christian Greco: “After the renovation of the Egizio, visitors will feel at home”

Giovanni Turi

June 12, 2024

In a theater full of over 100 readers of La Stampa, the director Andrea Malaguti and Federico Monga they explained the secrets of how a newspaper is made, every day, remembering that “we always start with the news”. After laughing with Luca Bottura’s ironic press review, protagonist of our newspaper every day with his Minimum Pax column, the public listened Giuseppe Castagna’s reflections from the stage, by Bamco Bpm, on banks. By Carlo Alberto Jura and Luca Di Tannoon the automotive world, dthe Giangiacomo Pierini of Coca Cola, the former minister Elsa Formero on the economy and the director of the Egyptian Museum Christian Greco on the world of culture.

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