Vineyards & notes in Umbria along the Sagrantino Road

Perugia editorial team

MONTEFALCO (Perugia) – Combination of wine and music for the third year of “Vigne & notes: music and tastings along the Sagrantino Route” scheduled from June to September between Montefalco and Bevagna. Organized by the La Strada del Sagrantino association, in collaboration with the Francesco Morlacchi Music Conservatory of Perugia, the event includes five appointments in as many cellars. Among the rows of Sagrantino, guided tours of the cellar and concerts in the vineyard at sunset will be held, with tastings of the production wines paired with typical products.

In particular, on Friday 21 June, the protagonist will be the Agricola Mevante winery, in via Madonna della Neve in Bevagna, where you can taste wine and typical products accompanied by the notes of the Jazz quartet composed of Matteo De Ambrosi (guitar), Daniele Del Gobbo (keyboards ), Alberto Chioni (bass) and Nicola Pitassio (drums); from Bevagna we move on to Montefalco, on Friday 5 July to the Perticaia winery, in the Casale area. Here the tasting of the production wines paired with typical products will be accompanied by the melody of the clarinet quartet of Mattia Rellini, Nicolas Woolls Castro, Piero Mariotti and Letizia Rossi. We continue with the initiative organized on Friday 19 July at the Le Cimate winery in Montefalco, in the company of the Jazz trio Alessandro Biagioli (clarinet), Leonardo Gensini (guitar) and Edoardo Arcangeli (piano). Here too it will be possible to take part in guided tours of the cellar and participate in wine and typical product tastings. On Friday 30 August it will be the turn of the La Fonte di Bevagna farm, in via Le case, to open its doors to visitors for a guided tour of the cellar, tasting of the wines produced paired with typical products and lulled by the notes of the flute quartet made up of Alice Morosi, Francesca Panzolini, Angelica Pagliaccia and Asia Martoccia.

Finally, Vigne & Note will end on Friday 6 September at the Scacciadiavoli winery in Montefalco, in the Cantinone area, with a lovely concert by the string quartet made up of Sayako Obori (violin), Margherita Tamburi (violin), Giorgia Bartoccini (viola) and Tommaso Bruschi (cello). Also in this event it will be possible to visit the cellar and taste production wines paired with typical products. All events will start at 6.30pm and end at 8pm. It is necessary to book using the appropriate form, which can be found and filled out on the website (cost of the single event/evening: 20 euros for adults and 10 euros for Under 18s; info: 0742 378490, [email protected]).

«The beauty of the area, of its sunsets – the words of Serena Marinelli, president of La Strada del Sagrantino –, the well-being given by direct contact with nature, the pleasure of tasting our food and wine excellences and the pleasantness of music are the ingredients of ‘Vigne e Note’, a musical event that allows you to rediscover the cellars as a social, convivial and well-being space.”
«The Francesco Morlacchi conservatory of Perugia – commented maestro Luigi Ciuffa – is pleased to collaborate in this initiative through some of its students, divided into different musical groups who will perform music of various genres and authors during the scheduled events».

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