Messina. Renovation of the “San Giacomo Apostolo” school begins

Messina. Renovation of the “San Giacomo Apostolo” school begins
Messina. Renovation of the “San Giacomo Apostolo” school begins

MESSINA – The functional redevelopment and safety works of the “San Giacomo Apostolo” school, part of the “La Pira – Gentiluomo” Comprehensive Institute, were delivered yesterday morning, for a total amount of €840,569.40, with funding from the Pnrr – Foi (Fund for Non-Deferrable Works) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The planned interventions concern structural works, namely the consolidation of the walls of the entire building, of the wooden elements of the roof and of the foundation soil. Also planned are construction works for the revision and waterproofing of the roof, external renovations and finishes, replacement of doors, partial replacement of the false ceiling, replacement of sanitary fixtures, internal finishes and painting, painting of gates, resurfacing of floors. With regard to energy efficiency, we will proceed with the replacement of fixtures, with the revision of the heating system and fire prevention.

“A complete restyling – the deputy mayor declared with satisfaction Salvatore Mondello with delegation to School Buildings – which will restore decorum and efficiency to a very important building for the Camaro area. The administration is very attentive to the needs of the territory and invests in the recovery of the suburbs, to incentivize services for the community. As is now known, a lot has been done on school buildings and work continues”.
The works were awarded to the company Fox Srl with an integrated contract and the completion of the works is scheduled for December of next year.

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