Taranto: Lectio with Massimiliano Fuksas and concert dedicated to Bernstein

Friday 14 June closing with a double appointment for the MAP Festival, the Music, Architecture and Parallelisms exhibition now in its fourth edition. At 6.00 pm, in the Gran Madre di Dio Co-Cathedral, Lectio magistralis by the architect Massimiliano Fuksas (free entry upon reservation). Same day, at 9.00 pm, on the terrace of the Taranto Chamber of Commerce, “Grandissimo Bernstein”, with the Magna Grecia Orchestra conducted by Maestro Piero Romano (entrance 10 euros).

Among a series of concerts, original and highly prestigious events, starting from the concert outside the Concathedral directed by Paolo Vivaldi, continuing with Fresu and Sosa, the conversation with Alessandro Baricco, the concert of the Vision String Quartet, the performances of Gloria Campaner, Domenicoprendito and Azzurra Martino, the MAP closes with two highly anticipated moments: the meeting with the architect Massimiliano Fuksas and a tribute to the great Leonard Bernstein and to the music of another great composer, George Gershwin.

The MAP Festival, with the artistic direction of Gloria Campaner and Piero Romano, which began last June 5, is organized by the Orchestra of Magna Grecia, the Ministry of Culture, the Puglia Region and the Municipality of Taranto. Sponsored by the Order of Architects of Taranto and the Archdiocese, the MAP was also created thanks to the support of Banca BCC di San Marzano di San Giuseppe, Teleperformance, Varvaglione Vini, Ninfole Caffè, Programma Sviluppo, Baux Cucine, Five Motors.

Massimiliano Fuksas, guest on Friday at 6.00 pm (entry 5.30 pm) in the Gran Madre di Dio Co-Cathedral of Taranto, is one of the greatest Italian and global designers of recent decades. An architect by training, his activity also ranges in the fields of urban planning and design. Lhaving graduated in Architecture in 1969 at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, in the same period he became close to Bruno Zevi, who would be an important cultural reference for the first years of his career. From Zevi, Fuksas inherits above all, the critics of the time write, “an eclectic approach to architecture, postmodern because it lacks a priori”. Invited professor at the École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris, the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna , the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste of Stuttgart and Columbia University in New York, in 2006 he received the Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He runs Studio Fuksas with offices in Rome, Paris and Shenzhen.

Always Friday, but at 9.00pm (entry 8.30pm), on the Chamber of Commerce Terracescheduled “Great Bernstein”concert with the Magna Grecia Orchestra conducted by Maestro Piero Romano (entrance 10 euros).

Leonard Bernstein, American conductor, composer and pianist, in a survey carried out among one hundred famous conductors and published by the magazine “Classic Voice” in December 2011, is considered the second greatest conductor of all time (only behind Carlos Kleiber). An artist of great international fame, he was director of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and musical director of the New York Philharmonic, president and honorary director of the Orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome.

In the concert, space will be given to the music of George Gershwin, American composer, pianist and conductor. Considered the initiator of the American musical, his work ranges from classical music to jazz. Among his best-known works: “Rhapsody in Blue”, “An American in Paris”, the opera “Porgy and Bess”.

MAP FESTIVAL – “Massimiliano Fuksas, Lectio magistralis”, Friday 14 June at 6.00 pm (entrance 5.30pm) Gran Madre di Dio Co-Cathedral. Free entry upon reservation. “Grandioso Bernstein”, Friday 14 June at 9.00 pm (entrance 8.30pm) Terrace of the Chamber of Commerce, with the Magna Grecia Orchestra conducted by Maestro Piero Romano. Entrance 10 euros.

Online tickets: TicketSms. Reservations for free events: eventbrite. Info: Orchestra Magna Grecia Taranto – Via Ciro Giovinazzi 28 (392.9199935) orchestramagnagrecia.it mapfestival.it

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