Med Youth Meeting 2024: young people from the Mediterranean meet in Reggio Calabria

Med Youth Meeting 2024: young people from the Mediterranean meet in Reggio Calabria
Med Youth Meeting 2024: young people from the Mediterranean meet in Reggio Calabria

Migration, mobility, women’s rights and a construction site towards young people. These are the themes for which Reggio will become the cradle of the Mediterranean in the coming days. “Med youth meeting 2024” was presented at Palazzo San Giorgio, the seventh edition of the international meeting of young people from the Mediterranean, organized by the Med Youth Network with the support of the REF (Réseau Euromed France) in close collaboration with Mana Chuma Teatro. Until June 15, around 80 young people from 17 countries in the Mediterranean basin and involved in civil society will meet in Reggio to discuss topics such as employment and professional training, civic participation, migration and mobility, social justice and climate, freedom of expression and creation. The initiatives were supported by the Municipality of Reggio, the Mediterranean University and the Archaeological Museum to raise awareness of the city’s heritage. The Administration organized a guided tour of the Civic Art Gallery and other cultural attractions in the area.

Massimo Barilla of Mana Chuma clarified the meaning of these projects on Reggio, a return to the origins: «We are not just a recognized company, which tours Europe and outside continental borders, but it is very important to trace this work from the DNA of Mana Chuma which was born from territorial projects, a youth center in a suburb of Reggio, it is essential to make the path accumulated in recent years impact on the territory: catalyzing international relations, embodying the central role of Reggio in the Mediterranean which is a responsibility but also a opportunity. We will then be the bottom-up glue between the institutions and the social world.”

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