Taranto and Massafra: the Carabinieri arrest two men for assault – Pugliapress

Taranto and Massafra: the Carabinieri arrest two men for assault – Pugliapress
Taranto and Massafra: the Carabinieri arrest two men for assault – Pugliapress

The arrests in Taranto and Massafra demonstrate the continuous commitment of the Carabinieri to ensuring the safety of citizens. Two men, a 44-year-old of Romanian origins and a 37-year-old from Taranto, were arrested on serious charges of violence against their partners.

The arrests in Taranto began with the intervention of the Radiomobile Section of the Carabinieri in the Borgo district. A 37-year-old from Taranto was arrested after, according to what the victim reported, he hit her pregnant partner in the face in an attempt to force her to terminate the pregnancy. The timely intervention of the Carabinieri led to the man’s arrest, guaranteeing the woman’s safety.

In Massafra, the Carabinieri of the local station arrested a 44-year-old of Romanian origins, caught in the act of committing a crime. After having reconstructed the dynamics of the facts and listened to the victim, who denounced the continuous physical and psychological harassment suffered, the military intervened, putting an end to a situation of terror that had persisted for some time.

The arrests in Taranto and Massafra highlight the effectiveness of the investigative activities conducted by the Carabinieri. Testimonies and documentation collected made it possible to obtain the necessary elements to proceed with the arrests. The accused, after the formalities, were taken to the Taranto prison, remaining in custody awaiting final judgment.

It is important to remember that victims of persecution can call the telephone number 1522, a help line active 24 hours a day, or contact 112 for immediate emergencies. The intervention of the Carabinieri can be requested at any local station to file a complaint.

These arrests highlight the need for continued vigilance and the importance of immediately reporting incidents of violence. The police are always ready to intervene to protect citizens and guarantee justice.

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