Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – School year also ended for Grandparents Policeman, see you when the schools reopen

Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – School year also ended for Grandparents Policeman, see you when the schools reopen
Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – School year also ended for Grandparents Policeman, see you when the schools reopen

With a final event for the delivery of certificates of merit, the Grandparents Vigile project for the 2023/24 school year came to an end. A small recognition, put in black and white, which aims to remember and celebrate the important activity carried out by the volunteers for all these months, serving the citizens of Quarto and in particular the school community.

In the premises of the former Capuchin Convent in via Brigata Sassari, the Councilor for Social Services and Generational Policies Marco Camboni, assisted by the Director of the Sector Lorena Cordeddu and the Officer of the Local Police Command Ivo Pibiri, as well as by the Laurus Cooperative which collaborated on the project, thanked all the grandparents who worked in front of the schools this year to guarantee the safety of our students.

As many as 35 volunteers active in the city, from the center to the outskirts, including the coast, for timely coverage of the entire municipal territory, and on a daily basis, from Monday to Saturday. A fundamental contribution also to lighten the tasks of the traffic police, who were thus able to deal with more thorny issues without neglecting the safety of young people.

In fact, the task of educational supervision of the pupils on the road routes close to the schools fell to the Grandparents, with particular attention to the points of greatest danger for traffic identified by the Local Police, both incoming and outgoing. A commitment made for several months, on a daily basis, from Monday to Saturday.

On this occasion, Councilor Camboni thanked all those present “for your participation in the project, not only for your willingness to occupy your free time, but also for your commitment and seriousness in honoring the task. This year ends today, but the program will continue with the reopening of schools. In fact, the Administration intends to continue the path undertaken, which has grown and consolidated over the years: if in 2021 it was difficult to find volunteers, now we are seeing interest and involvement. A pleasure for us and a note of merit for the whole community because it can boast many citizens ready to make themselves available to others and, as in this case, to the younger generations”.

Satisfaction and gratitude expressed directly to the Police Grandparents also by the Local Police Force, in the words of officer Ivo Pibiri: “I join in thanking the Councilor for the work done. Thanks to your commitment, school coverage, between elementary and middle schools, is now close to 100%: we couldn’t do it with our staff. Furthermore, I believe that over the years you have also acquired greater confidence in carrying out your duties, as evidenced by the decrease in the number of reports I receive. You were able to best manage the problems that arose, guaranteeing the safety of the children, which is absolutely fundamental”.

Further information


06/12/2024, 10.54pm

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