Forestry workers: supplementary contract until 2010 for 500 workers

Forestry workers: supplementary contract until 2010 for 500 workers.

Forestry workers: supplementary contract until 2010, negotiations will open by the end of June.

Glimpse for the renewal of the regional supplementary contract

There is finally a window of opportunity for the renewal of the regional supplementary employment contract for hydraulic-forestry workers and employees.

Renewal expected for 13 years

The last renewal dates back to January 2010.

This was communicated by the trade union representatives Savt Forestali, Fai Cisl, Flai Cgil And Uil VdA after the meeting that was held today, Tuesday 11 June, at the Natural Resources and Forestry Corps Department of Quart in which the coordinator participated Paolo Oreiller and the managers of the department.

Negotiating table by the end of June

The regional administration has undertaken to convene the negotiating table by the end of June, a date that the union representatives consider “no longer extendable”.

Supplementary contract for 500 workers

The renewal of the regional supplementary employment contract affects approximately 500 workers.

«We have prepared a contractual draft which has been illustrated to the workers in the preparatory meetings since February – he explains Dimitri Démésecretary of Savt Agricoli Forestali -.

The platform provides for both regulatory and economic adaptation and also contemplates harmonization with the national contract signed in December 2021.

This is a matter unrelated to the regional supplementary contract but can no longer be postponed, for example for the high mountain allowance which is a matter for the employer”.


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