Di Lorenzo, an intransigent Count: he doesn’t want him to go away. Napoli can mend things (Di Marzio)

Di Lorenzo, an intransigent Count: he doesn’t want him to go away. Napoli can mend things (Di Marzio)
Di Lorenzo, an intransigent Count: he doesn’t want him to go away. Napoli can mend things (Di Marzio)

There has been talk about this malaise of Di Lorenzo. Conte reiterated that for him the captain is essential

Ci Napoli 11/12/2023 – Serie A football championship / Napoli-Empoli / photo Carmelo Imbesi/Image Sport in the photo: Giovanni Di Lorenzo-Matteo Politano

Di Lorenzo, an intransigent Count: he doesn’t want him to go away. Napoli can mend the situation (Di Marzio)

At Speciale Calciomercato Gianluca Di Marzio reported the meeting between Conte, Manna and Mario Giuffredi, the prosecutor Di Lorenzo.

“There was talk of Di Lorenzo’s uneasiness due to some situations that occurred during Napoli’s seasons and even afterwards, there was talk of the possibility that he could leave.”

“Conte was intransigent, in a firm and serene, constructive manner, he reiterated that for him the captain is essential, he does not want to take his farewell into consideration. Napoli can mend things.” Director Manna will take care of it.

Di Lorenzo, interim meeting Conte-Giuffredi (Sky Sport)

Massimo Ugolini reports a calm but interlocutory meeting between the parties: namely Antonio Conte, Napoli sporting director Giovanni Manna and Mario Giuffredi, agent of the Napoli captain.

For Sky:

“Giuffredi explained the reasons for his client’s discomfort, and how various events that occurred during the season and subsequently led him to evaluate the possibility of leaving Naples. Antonio Conte listened and understood the player’s motivations and reiterated how essential it is for him.”

According to Sky, the player is upset and tense due to a series of situations that have involved him.

For Michele Criscitiello of Sportitalia, serene tones. Conte would have said: “I will go to war to keep him.”

What does the captain want from Napoli? What grave wrong has he suffered?

The question is: what does Di Lorenzo want from Napoli? It is not clear what caused all this agitation in the Napoli captain. What would be the serious wrong that he suffered? With a tweet, Napoli reminded us of the obvious: he has a contract until 2028. He will stay in Naples, also because his price tag is not worth 130 million. Let him and his agent rest their souls. Among other things, Di Lorenzo has everything to gain professionally from his stay in Naples with Antonio Conte.

Let’s avoid rants about the behavior of a captain, because we don’t believe in football rhetoric. But at least you spare us these typical scenes of contemporary professionals.

Below, Napoli’s communication on X.

Calcio Napoli notes with surprise that, for the umpteenth time in a few days, Mr. Mario Giuffredi states that Giovanni Di Lorenzo will leave Napoli.
It is necessary to underline that Di Lorenzo has a contract with Napoli for another 4 sporting seasons, he is not part of the group of players whose possible transfer to another club the club will evaluate and his possible transfer is therefore excluded.

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