Municipal elections, administrative counting underway in Cagliari: the results. LIVE

The municipal elections

Cagliari is a municipality with more than 15,000 inhabitants, so if no candidate in the first round obtains an absolute majority, a run-off will be held between the two most voted. The possible run-off round will be held on Sunday 23 June from 7am to 11pm and on Monday 24 June from 7am to 3pm.

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Who were the mayoral candidates in Cagliari

In the running was Alessandra Zedda, former president of the Sardinian regional council and former councilor, once in Forza Italia and then merged with the League. Seven lists support it: FdI, Lega, Fi, Sardinian Reformers, Sardinia at the center 20Venti (with UDC candidates and the expression of the self-suspended Sardinian Gianni Chessa) and Alleanza Sardegna. Massimo Zedda then returned to the field, former mayor of the Sardinian capital from 2011 to 2019, who was instead the name on which the broader Center-Left focused. The coalition supporting him – the same one that brought Alessandra Todde to the highest seat in the Region – was made up of 10 lists. To that of the Progressives, the party of which he is leader, were added the Pd, the Five Star Movement, the Avs, the Common Horizon, the Future Left, the European Cagliari (Fortza Paris, the Psi and the Pri), the independentists of A Innantis and the civic Cagliari Avanti and Cagliari that I would like. The three independent candidates were each supported only by a single reference list. Giuseppe Farris (CiviCA 2024 Movement), a lawyer by profession, was Personnel councilor in the Floris council and municipal councilor in Forza Italia with the current opponent Massimo Zedda. The former Five Star MP Emanuela Corda ran for Alternativa, while Claudia Ortu – university researcher in English linguistics at the University of Cagliari and freelance journalist – ran for Potere al Popolo and PCI.

in-depth analysis

Municipal elections in Cagliari, who are the mayoral candidates

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