Municipal elections, administrative counting underway in Perugia: the results. LIVE

The municipal elections

Perugia is a municipality with more than 15,000 inhabitants, so if no candidate in the first round obtains an absolute majority, a run-off will be held between the two most voted. The possible run-off round will be held on Sunday 23 June from 7am to 11pm and on Monday 24 June from 7am to 3pm.

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Who were the mayoral candidates in Perugia

Margherita Scoccia (FdI), architect by profession, current councilor for urban planning, is running. Eight lists supported it: Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia with the Fare Perugia list, Perugia Civica, Progetto Perugia, Futuro Giovani, Perugia Amica and Udc. Seven instead supported Vittoria Ferdinandi, nominated Knight of Merit of the Republic in 2021. It was supported by the Pd, M5s, Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Pensa Perugia (with the symbols of Action, Socialists for Perugia, Perugia in Europe and Laboratorio Civico) and by the civic lists Orchestra per la Vittoria, Anima Perugia and Perugia per la salute publica. Massimo Monni (Perugia Merita) is no stranger to politics: a former socialist, he has already been elected with the centre-right for various roles in the Municipality and Region. Leonardo Caponi presented himself with the symbol of the PCI. Then there is the former footballer Davide Baiocco, who played not only for Perugia but also – for a short period – for Juventus and many other clubs. His list is Forza Perugia and he was also supported by Alternativa Riformista – Italexit.

in-depth analysis

Municipal elections in Perugia, who are the mayoral candidates

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