Forza Italia loses 3% in Puglia: “Lowest percentage than the whole of the South, comparison needed”

Forza Italia loses 3% in Puglia: “Lowest percentage than the whole of the South, comparison needed”
Forza Italia loses 3% in Puglia: “Lowest percentage than the whole of the South, comparison needed”

“After over a month of silence, despite the numerous provocations received, I believe the time has come to open a serious discussion on the results of the recent European elections. Puglia is confirmed as the region with the lowest percentage in the southern district, a fact that we cannot ignore”. This was declared by the regional councilor of San Marco in Lamis, Napoleon Wax. The entrepreneur from Aprice was a candidate for the province of Foggia, in the southern constituency Paolo Soccorso Dell’Erbawhich received 12,763 preferences (10,972 in Puglia, 7,756 in the province of Foggia). The two have clashed several times in the past over the “card wars” in the party.

“It is clear that the justicialist political line has produced phenomena like that of Decaro which deserves in-depth reflection within our party – comments Cera -. If we want to define ourselves as a serious party, we must address these issues decisively and concretely.

“Furthermore, we cannot overlook the fact that Forza Italia in Puglia recorded the lowest percentage in the entire south, marking a worrying -3% compared to the previous European elections and the 2022 elections. This figure is a clear sign of a disaffection that requires immediate and tangible answers. I hope that the party will be able to open up to an internal discussion to analyze the result.”

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