bare and definitive data. Cirio re-elected, but now the parties are weighing

In Alba, the city of Cirio, the party with the most votes in the European elections is the Democratic Party

Unexpected result at the end of the counting of the European elections in Alba, the city of the president of the region Alberto Cirio, where the Democratic Party obtains 4,308 votes (27.63%) against the 4,189 votes (26.87%) of the Brothers of Italy which in 2019, however, stopped at 5% in the city of the white truffle. Alba is the only city in the province of Cuneo in which the Democratic Party surpasses Fratelli d’Italia and now the wait is growing to understand whether the data could be indicative of a change of direction also at the municipal level where the centre-right candidate Carlo Bo seeks reconfirmation against the new man of the centre-left Alberto Gatto, with the possibility of a run-off always less unlikely. Collapse of the League, clearly the first party in 2019 with 32.7% of the votes and today under 10% with 1,481 votes (9.5%), also behind Forza Italia, stable compared to five years ago with 12, 6%. The M5s obtains 848 votes (5.44%).
(Marcello Pasquero)

Election day on Sunday 9 June

​-Results of the 2024 Piedmont regional elections
​-Results in the Municipality of Turin in the 2024 Piedmont regional elections
​-Results in the Province of Turin in the Piedmont regional elections

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