Ten years of Orchestra Canova in Varese: celebration in music with three concerts

Ten years of Orchestra Canova in Varese: celebration in music with three concerts
Ten years of Orchestra Canova in Varese: celebration in music with three concerts

VARESE – In 2014 theCanova Orchestradirected by Enrico Saverio Pagano. Ten years later it’s time to celebrate the important anniversary, with three concerts between June and July which are part of the broader program of the Varese Estense Festival Menotti.

The appointments

Let’s start Saturday 15 June at 6pm with Bach & Mozart at the Esedra of Villa Toeplitz. Friday 28 June at 8.30 pm at the church of Santo Stefano in Velate concert with the Josquin Desprez choir with music by Palestrina, Bruckner, Fauré and Menotti. It closes again at Villa Toeplitz Saturday 13 July at 6pm, together with Simone Zanchini’s accordion with songs by Piazzolla and Morricone. The events are at free entry. In case of bad weather all concerts will take place at the Church of S. Stefano in Velate.

The orchestra

The Canova Chamber Orchestra was founded by its director, Enrico Saverio Pagano, in 2014. He has a particular interest in musical classicismwithout neglecting the 20th century and the contemporary, and makes use of the collaboration of some of the best young professionals Italians, whose average age is under 30. She has performed throughout Italy and abroad, she has collaborated with some of the main young soloists on the national and international scene, and is – now – considered a point of reference among Italian chamber orchestras, so much so that it is defined by The Republic “one of the best companies around”. Canova is the ensemble in residence of the IUC – University Concert Institution of Rome, of the Villa Reale, of the Court Theater and of the Monza Park and of Verbano Musica Estate and is supported by Ensto – Apollo and by Auriga Srl. He recorded for Sony Music, Amadeus, ClassicVoice and Urania Records.

ten years orchestra canova – MALPENSA24
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