Asl corporate act unanimously approved by the mayors of the province – Photo 1 of 3

Asl corporate act unanimously approved by the mayors of the province – Photo 1 of 3
Asl corporate act unanimously approved by the mayors of the province – Photo 1 of 3

The draft of the new corporate act of the ASL of Latina, already presented on June 18 by the extraordinary commissioner of the Pontine health company, was unanimously approved. Today, during the new conference of mayors, Sabrina Cenciarelli illustrated the update of the act, introduced after consultation with the trade unions. The novelty, compared to the act presented at the conference of mayors on June 18, concerns the establishment of an interdepartmental functional area of ​​Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health. This is an area of ​​coordination of the units that act transversally along the agri-food chain, an excellence of the territory, in all phases of production, processing, transformation, distribution, sale and administration of food, with a multidisciplinary approach to guarantee the healthiness of food at every stage, contributing to the prevention of nutritional diseases, in line with the objectives of the Strategic Regional Plan.
The approval came as mentioned unanimously: present, among the mayors and delegates sitting in the council chamber of the Municipality of Latina and those who participated remotely, 26 Pontine municipalities out of a total of 33.
All expressed a favorable opinion. During the session, numerous mayors intervened to give strong support to the document, but also to underline the relative priorities at a territorial level, asking for the convening of an urgent conference to talk about territorial health, with particular attention to the issue of the Pat. It was highlighted that district 3 is the only one not to have an Emergency Room point: The mayor of Sezze, specifically, also asked for the possibility of carrying out targeted screening also in the territory of the Lepini Mountains.
After voting on the draft corporate act of the ASL of Latina, the mayors also approved, by majority, a policy act aimed at healthcare governance, illustrated by the mayor of Sperlonga Armando Cusani and the mayor of Campodimele Tommaso Grossi. A document aimed above all at reiterating the need for the territory to build new hospitals in Latina and the South Pontino, but also the establishment, among the various policies, of a functional area in light of the introduction of the electronic health record and the digitalization of social and healthcare services. “I am very satisfied with the outcome of the conference – said the mayor of Latina Matilde Celentano on the sidelines of the session – The healthcare designed for our province, through this new corporate act, has a highly innovative and I would dare say revolutionary content”.

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