Water crisis in Catanzaro, “very serious problems, citizens are exhausted”

Water crisis in Catanzaro, “very serious problems, citizens are exhausted”
Water crisis in Catanzaro, “very serious problems, citizens are exhausted”

The city of Catanzaro has been dealing with a situation for some time now severe water shortageThe councillors of the Action group expressed their opinion on the issue, Stefano Veraldi, Valerio Donato and Gianni Parisiwho talk about “a water crisis that is becoming increasingly dramatic. Not a day goes by without taps running dry in some areas of the city. In some areas, the “drought” is almost daily. And we continue to receive the incessant and increasingly indignant protests of our fellow citizens”.

“We asked a few days ago for the convening of an extraordinary Council to receive clarifications and information from the administration on the current situation and possible developments. We believe it is a dutiful act first towards the citizens and then towards the City Council”.

“The people of Catanzaro are exhausted”

“La the situation becomes less bearable every day and the citizens of Catanzaro are exhausted. The continuous interruptions from the north to the south of the city that last for several days with poor information and often provided at the last minute, risk causing very serious inconvenience to a large portion of the population that does not move to second holiday homes and is forced to deal with devastating heat”.

“Therefore, and to seriously address what is turning into a real water crisis with huge damage to families, commercial activities and, what is even more serious, to health activities, we reiterate the request to the President of the Council to proceed with the convening of an extraordinary session of the city council in which the administration informs citizens of the initiatives it intends to undertake in view of next summer”.

An extraordinary city council with Sorical

“An open City Council to which It would be appropriate to involve Sorical and municipal managers responsible for the service. It will be an opportunity to have them tell us what is being done to exploit the economic resources dedicated to the aqueducts by the PNRR, to build new reservoirs and an interconnection between all the existing ones, which will allow us to serve all the areas of the city better and with better water”.

“And to know what is being done to implement the “digitalization of water”with an innovative system already in use in some Italian urban areas and which consists in the management of an enormous quantity of data collected through hundreds of sensors installed on the network? All promises contained in the programmatic lines of the mandate of Mayor Fiorita”.

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